“I’m still single, traveling around the world, sharing my testimony, trying to work hard in the media, so I can work on projects that entertain but on top of that touch people’s hearts and minds, and glorify God in everything I do. …I’m always open to see if maybe inside of God’s plans are for me to marry. …You try to find holiness and use what the Church gives us to achieve that goal — a life of prayer, a life of meditation, contemplation, loving, giving, serving. Only through that is how you can receive the strength and the grace to love the way God wants us to love him and others.”
So said 38-year-old Eduardo Verastegui, who stars in the just-released For Greater Glory, in the June/July 2012 issue of Catholic Digest.
His attitude is so right: Live fully where you are right now as a single person. This moment was given to you by God for a reason to do what you can for him in the present. You will be able to do other things for him when you marry and have a family. So focus on the here and now now. For, as St. Therese says, “The value of our life does not depend on the place we occupy. It depends on the way we occupy that place.”
And as Padre Pio says, “You can’t give God deadlines.”
As a journalist, I am used to deadlines. But that doesn’t me I like them. Honestly, they stress me out. That’s why I am so grateful that God doesn’t like them either. That’s so comforting in the waiting-for-marriage world that we singles find ourselves a part of. God will send us a spouse at the right time and place.
We must always be “Called to Hope,” as Emily Stimpson recently reminded Catholic singles in a National Catholic Register column: “No matter how old we are, if we believe we’re called to the vocation of marriage, we can never stop hoping God will send the right someone along. Maybe we can stop expecting, but we can never stop hoping. …Despair is not our friend. Hope is our friend. Hope is what gets us through a string of bad dates or a stretch of none at all. Hope is what keeps us going after a breakup or when we feel like the last single person standing. Hope is what allows us to trust that God really does know what he’s doing.”
Yes, he does.
In the meantime, joyfully live the single life God has given you.
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