It's Hard to Trust God When You're Single


Do you feel like the Catholic Church has forgotten you? Do you feel like you are working hard to follow all the rules, but wonder if the Church even cares?

Timothy Cardinal Dolan issued a statement that I hope all of you have had a chance to read. It’s called “Inclusion of the New Minority” and can be found on his blog.

Resisting the Pressure of the World

I found this statement to be truly heartening, especially for Catholic singles because Cardinal Dolan’s premise is that those of us striving to live by the teachings of the Church, in whatever state of life we are experiencing, should be given the full weight of the support of our priests and parish communities. What a joy to not have been forgotten!

This piece, though short, has been written at a time of great struggle in the Church and the world. Many people suggest that the Church needs to change her teaching, and if not her teaching then her practical application of that teaching, to make it easier for people to find acceptance in the Church and to receive the sacraments.

Choosing the Narrow Path

I believe it is safe to say that Catholic singles know the difficulty that this presents. Most of us endeavor to experience the sacrament of marriage the way that Jesus has planned it since the beginning of creation. We are here because we have chosen to live our lives in union with the teaching of the Church, regardless of how difficult that may sometimes be. We know that chastity is part of the Good News and we seek the narrow road, the difficult path, the one we know will lead to our salvation. 

Some of us, myself included, have come to this journey wounded—by the pain of a union that did not live up to these expectations. But we have taken our comfort from our Holy Mother the Church. We have followed the Church and Her wisdom on the journey of annulment. Some of us are here seeking only friendship because there is a recognition that we may not be ready for the sacrament of marriage in some way. 

The Catholic Church is Your Home

But the Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that the Church is our home and that each of us is close to the heart of Jesus:

We must also remember the great number of single persons who, because of the particular circumstances in which they have to live—often not of their choosing—are especially close to Jesus' heart and therefore deserve the special affection and active solicitude of the Church, especially of pastors. Many remain without a human family often due to conditions of poverty. Some live their situation in the spirit of the Beatitudes, serving God and neighbor in exemplary fashion. The doors of homes, the "domestic churches," and of the great family which is the Church must be open to all of them. "No one is without a family in this world: the Church is a home and family for everyone, especially those who "labor and are heavy laden." ~Catechism of the Catholic Church #1658

Faithful Examples of Love

Many of our closest friends, however, have found one another and are beginning their married lives shunning the use of birth control and embracing whatever number of children God has in mind for them. They are amazing examples of the love of Christ in action!

Each one of us, who chooses to embrace these teachings, seeking after a virtuous life—we are this minority of whom Cardinal Dolan speaks! Knowing this, we should work to support one another and our Holy Church in prayer and with sacrifice, moving forward in the knowledge that the gates of Hell will not prevail against Her. (Matt 16:18)

Thank you all for your steadfast faith and example of fidelity to our Mother the Church!

To all my fellow Catholic singles out there: Hang in there and know you are not alone.

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