Find Out What Catholic Marriage Is All About (Video)


God has a plan for our lives! Of course, we do not always know beforehand what that plan is. I have come to learn that we should always be ready for one of God's surprises.

Take this video series on St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body, for instance. I was asked to be the MC at a pro-life youth rally last spring and the person in charge of the multimedia and music ministry was an old friend that I hadn't seen in some 20 years. Since we had last seen each other, he had been led by Christ to place his media and musical talents at the service of the Church and especially to use them to spread the good news about life, marriage, and family (his group is called Te Deum Ministries). After that rally, we decided to get together to catch up on life and faith, and to see if there were ways we could collaborate to do something beautiful for God.

And so, this series was born over a light supper at a diner in Northern New Jersey (which are the best diners in the world, BTW).

This segment is actually the sixth segment in a series of eight videos. In this one, I explore arguably one of the most revolutionary concepts in St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body—that in the total gift of the man and woman to one another in marriage, expressed in the total gift of their bodies to one another in sexual union, we find a trace, a sign, an image of the Holy Trinity itself.

This was God's plan for marriage and sexual love from "the beginning"—to be a sign and a foretaste of His love; a love that searches for us, longs for us, and desires a union with us for all eternity.

"You ravish my heart, my sister, my promised bride, you ravish my heart with a single one of your glances" (Song 4:9).

Enjoy ... Leave me your feedback in the comments below and look forward to the entire series coming soon!

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