Anyone Else Alone on Thanksgiving?


I don't know about your family, but Thanksgiving in my house is stressful.

There are always a gazillion people packed into the house, people are arguing, kids are screaming, and one special year, the turkey set on fire!

I usually dread this day, but this year (for the first time in my life) I won't be with my family for Thanksgiving. You'd think I would be happy to skip the awkwardness and anxiety, but I realize that I'm going to miss every minute of the chaos.

As I swallow the reality of being away from my family, I think about those who are recently divorced or alone for this day. It is more than okay to be sad, but don't stop there.

As we enter the official holiday season I challenge all of you to make one small change that will really make a difference in your life. Get involved in something that might be outside of your box, but will bring you real joy.

Don't let life pass you by. Do you have a crush on someone, but don't know how to tell him? Speak now, it only takes 20 seconds of insane courage.

Whatever your small change will be, know that we'll be doing it together. I want to hear what you are planning. Tell me your ideas in the comments below.

Please know that I am praying for all of you and I hope you have a very blessed Thanksgiving Day.

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