One thing that is often overlooked—it's human nature—is a tendency to refrain from voicing our gratitude about being unmarried. Of course, if we'd gone through a nasty divorce or a terrible relationship, it's difficult to gain perspective in the wake of experience. We tend to focus on what we don't have, lamenting its absence, rather than focusing on giving thanks for what we do have. And again, I'm talking about a tendency within human nature; not just the unmarried.
But actually giving thanks on a regular basis, even while going through the perils of dating? It's a challenge. One could take a look at the bright side for comfort. There's no harm in that. And since it's the holiday season, this is the perfect time to continue expressing our gratitude about our unmarried status. Why not "give thanks" even after Thanksgiving?
I'm well aware that as Catholics we do this fairly often anyway: saying Grace, prayers to saints, prayers after communion and all through mass. But in our mundane daily life outside of mass and prayer time, and especially in the face of the questions and laments about our marital status, what can we give thanks for?
Well, let's start right here on this site. Online dating is great for many reasons. The success stories prove it! Unlike meeting random people, where we only have our first impressions to go by, we get the chance to see "inside" people. On CatholicMatch, we have the added advantage of the forums for getting to know someone beyond first impressions. And of course, the commonality of shared faith is a given.
And then there's the ease of online dating versus "real life" venues. Sometimes there just aren't enough of those places people can meet someone else. Some of us are sick of bars and loud parties. Singles-only events—depending on the crowd—can be just plain awkward. So the convenience of online dating is that the "legwork" is done from the comfort of home.
Other advantages of the unmarried: we get to be the fun aunts and uncles! We really can give support and relief when needed, but come on—everyone loves being the fun one! We also get to practice our spiritual parturition. For myself, I love being a spiritual mother to many kids as an instructor.
So there you have it. You can choose to lament your marital status, concentrating on that spouse-to-be that you long for. But isn't it better to choose to be grateful for all the blessings you do have? As we enter this holiday season, with the added rush and stress and whatnot, let's remember that in some small way we can make our Thanksgiving last far longer.
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