The Deacon Accused Her of Being a Runaway Bride


Where are they now?

One of the blessings of writing success stories is keeping in touch with members and getting a glimpse into how their lives are going. Back in 2015, I had the honor of writing Mary and Kevin's story.

Mary had joined CatholicMatch on a whim, and she had low expectations—never expecting to meet the love of her life. Despite some age difference—Kevin, 37, and Mary, 28—they shared much in common.

The couple credits meeting to CatholicMatch's forums. If they hadn't connected on the forums, they never would have met because they had their search parameters set to nearby.

They decided that distance couldn't conquer potential love and so Kevin drove from Oklahoma to Louisiana to meet Mary.

"The first time we met was the greatest day of my life. We both knew right then that this relationship was something special," they say.

Kevin proposed to Mary after Mass on May 24, 2015—six months after meeting in person for the first time. "It was simple and sweet!" says Mary.

"I got up from the kneeler and turned around to see Kevin getting down on one knee and asking me to be his wife! The choir was still sitting in their area, and bursts of applause broke out. It was the best moment!"

What's happened since the engagement

Mary shared with me that she and Kevin had tied the knot on June 4, 2016, at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church in Alexandria, Louisiana, and that they have two children.

Anastasia May is two and a half and Sebastian Andrew, who is 17 months. She and Kevin wanted to catch CatholicMatch members up on a few of the memorable moments of their wedding and what married life is like for them.

You can't run away!

One humorous and unexpected moment happened right before the wedding.

The deacon saw Mary walking towards the door, and mistakenly thought she was attempting a get away, so he tried to stop her from leaving.

Mary had to convince him that she was only stepping outside so the photographer could take a picture of her and Kevin holding hands but not seeing each other.

Another one of their favorite moments was when they presented roses to the Blessed Mother. "We walked hand in hand into the chapel that is behind the altar. It was a peaceful moment away from everyone," she says.

It's the small joys.

Discussing the joys of married life, Mary says, "It's so much fun being married to your best friend!"

Among the many things she enjoys about marriage are the surprise date nights, and simply laying in bed and talking about their day. "It helps to know you are equally yoked and that we share in the struggles and the triumphs," she shares.

One complaint in their marriage that Mary reveals is that she has to work hard to keep things tidy for Kevin. "I'm a bit of a slob, so having to remember to clean up after myself is a bit of a struggle, but Kevin is always very sweetly reminding me."

Becoming a family quickly changed everything!

Having two children, 14 months apart, changed every aspect of their marriage. Mary was expecting their first child, Anastasia, a month and a half after the wedding. 

"We wouldn't change it at all. It's made us love each other more. It's made us more aware of love. We never knew it was possible to love someone as much or even more than we love each other. Having kids made us realize that marriage is a struggle, but being a family makes it all worth it," they say.

Mary shares that having Kevin to lean on during trying times is a blessing. When Anastasia was born, they found out that she had dislocated her hip. 

"She spent the first year of her life in braces and harnesses to correct the issue. It affected us as a couple," Mary explains. "We had to be careful about how we held her and limit her activities. It was a struggle. Having each other for support to lean for strength was huge. It made this season of life so much easier."

Fortunately, Anastasia is well now and runs around and plays like a typical toddler. She and Sebastian keep Mary and Kevin on their toes. 

"They teach us how to love in a new way every day," they share.

Mary and Kevin would like to leave CatholicMatch members some parting advice:

"Don't give up. God has the perfect person for you. Trust Him. Trust your heart. Who knows? You may meet someone outside of your comfort zone and make some of the biggest and best decisions of your life!"

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