Growing up we always had Thanksgiving dinner at my parent's house. My mom cooked and we invited more than 50 people to share the day with us. I can remember the smell of good food and my Uncle Larry carving the turkey at the kitchen table (as I tried to steal a piece of white meat as I walked by). I can remember the sounds of the football game on the TV and the buzz of aunts, uncles and cousins chatting in what seemed like every room of the house.
But by the time we grow up, we quickly realize that our simple childhood outlook of Thanksgiving is no longer so simple. We coordinate with family members about who is hosting and what we should bring. And we wonder, is you-know-who coming this year?
We think about how we can avoid conflict and sensitive topics. Instead of focusing on gratitude for God's gifts, being with family and chowing down on yummy food—we get stressed out. And when the day comes it can feel even more stressful.
I remember a few years ago after a full and crazy Thanksgiving weekend I opened up an email from one of my close friends:
"This holiday has been a particularly hard one for me, I'm really begging each of you if you have time to remember me in prayer. I spent the majority of the day solo and unfortunately it caught up to me this evening."
Why hadn't I thought to ask this friend to be with my family on Thanksgiving Day?
For whatever reason, there are many people going it alone this Thanksgiving. Maybe you recently went through a divorce, maybe you don't have family or maybe you decline all invitations so you can finally have a day to yourself. Regardless of the reason, the following list is for you!
10 Tips For Spending Thanksgiving Alone
- Get dressed up. Don't stay in your pajamas all day. Get up and put on your favorite outfit, even if it is a T-shirt and a comfortable pair of jeans.
- Try a new recipe. Even if you aren't cooking a turkey today, browse your favorite recipe sites and try a recipe that you would never do if you were hosting guests.
- Laugh. Go on youtube and find some funny, but clean comedians. (Two words: Brian Regan).
- Get outside. Go for a hike or even a walk around the block. It will feel really good.
- Read. You know that fantastic novel that you've been meaning to read? Today is the day.
- Discover a new talent. You've got talent. I know you do. Maybe it is pencil sketching, playing the ukulele, or singing karaoke. Make time today for enhancing your gifts.
- Curb the alcohol. Having a beverage with your meal is one thing, but having too much will only make the day worse.
- Volunteer. Go to the local soup kitchen or homeless shelter and serve meals to those who go with out this Thanksgiving.
- Go to Mass. Going to Mass is the highest form of prayer. Today offer all your works and intentions with the priest at the altar. And don't forget that Jesus is always pursing you. The Lord of the universe is waiting for you to come to him.
- Be Thankful. Even if you aren't feeling particularly grateful this year, there is one thing that will transform your day. Find the blessings in your day.
Last November's issue of Magnificat contained a reflection from Ann Voskamp, author of One Thousand Gifts. It is a perfect reflection for all of us for Thanksgiving Day.
A friend dared me to start counting one thousand things I loved. I took the dare, accepted the challenge, kept track of one thousand things, one thousand gifts—a thousand graces. ... Before I knew it, thankfulness to God began fully to change me. ...The more you count, the more gifts you will see. ...the practice is intended to be a way of cultivating a habit, of learning to live praise, to make gratitude and joy your default, to move thanksgiving away from a holiday to a lifestyle.
So, I challenge you to keep an attitude of gratitude all day. Make a list of thing you are grateful for and journal about them at the end of the day. By paying attention to the blessings right in front of you, you will create a habit of gratitude.
Share with me what you are grateful for on Twitter and I'll retweet it through the holiday. Use the hashtag #GratefulThanksgiving
Make this year different. Take the challenge. Live intentionally, remember to forgive, laugh and thank God for all his blessings. Happy Thanksgiving.
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