Orlando and Mercedes were definitely meant to be together because they almost never connected...
Orlando first came across CatholicMatch while in RCIA as a way to connect with other Catholics and learn more about the faith.

Unsure what exactly he was looking for, Orlando found online dating intimidating and only finished filling out his profile two days before matching with Mercedes. Attracted to her contagious smile, he couldn’t help but send the first message.
Meanwhile, even though she always saw herself meeting someone in person, Mercedes downloaded CatholicMatch because her aunt and coworker both found their husbands using the site. After two months and no luck, Mercedes decided to deactivate her account. Funnily enough, she was in the middle of this process when Orlando sent a message.
Orlando wasn’t even quite sure what he was looking for yet but started the conversation with a simple “Hey, how are you?” That perfectly timed message was enough for Mercedes to decide to leave it up to God and take a chance on one last match.

They didn’t want their first date to end!
The two spoke online for about three weeks before they met for a date. After morning Mass, Orlando planned to have breakfast at one of his favorite Mexican spots before spending the day at the Dallas Aquarium. The more time they spent at the aquarium, the more that Orlando and Mercedes realized they didn’t want the date to end...
Eventually, they decided to extend it by visiting the Museum of Art nearby where they also took their first photo together under a sign that read “Imagine Your Journey.” Orlando shared that this photo quickly became his favorite as he has watched his journey with Mercedes unfold. He looks back on that photo fondly knowing now that the woman he was on that first date with would end up being the person he gets to share the rest of his life with.
As their relationship progressed, Orlando and Mercedes grew to appreciate each other’s faith. Orlando was initially attracted to Mercedes’ strong faith and came to love how she lives it out each day and encourages him in his own faith.

Similarly, Mercedes enjoyed witnessing Orlando’s RCIA journey, which helped her to grow deeper in her own faith and love for the Catholic Church.
He proposed on her birthday!
The proposal happened on November 2nd, which happens to be Mercedes’ birthday and also All Souls Day. This day is particularly important to Mercedes because of her family’s annual tradition of visiting family graves on Dia de los Muertos.
Prior to the proposal, Orlando asked Mercedes’ grandparents for their blessing, and they suggested that it happen while visiting the cemetery where Mercedes’ father is buried. Mercedes shared that Orlando’s proposal was all the more meaningful because her dad was able to be involved in such an important moment.
Since their engagement, the two revealed that their relationship is not without its challenges.
As they prepare for marriage, Orlando and Mercedes have begun to learn how to make space for their relationship to grow while also setting boundaries with family. Mercedes come from a large, close-knit, traditional family, while Orlando comes from a small, non-traditional family. Even though navigating different family styles is not easy, Orlando and Mercedes have made it a priority to support each other through this and any other difficulties they might face.

Orlando and Mercedes will be married on June 14th of 2025!
Looking to the future, the couple is looking forward to helping one another grow in faith through their marriage.
In particular, Mercedes eagerly awaits the blessings and graces that will flow through matrimony as a holy foundation for their relationship.
Likewise, Orlando is excited for all of the “firsts” that they will experience together, such as their first car, first house, and first child.
Orlando also noted that “every single day is a gift” and he eagerly awaits all of the days that he and Mercedes will share together.