She Never Messaged a Man First, Until She Saw Him!


30-year-old Noemy knew she had to take a chance.

She saw a handsome picture on CatholicMatch, and reading the profile, was intrigued. So, she went out on a limb and messaged this Brian fellow first. She didn't normally make the first move, but, she felt encouraged to do so...and little did she know, it would pay off! He lived in Upland, only thirty minutes away from her hometown of Colton, California.

33-year-old Brian, for his part, quickly responded. The two chatted online for a few days, then moved to phone conversations. It was then they found out their hidden connections. Not only did they know the same people from their southern California Catholic community, but they also had at least one mutual friend! How had they not met in person before meeting online?!

Several more phone calls and just a few weeks later, they met for their first official date. 

“We both felt comfortable to meet maskless,” Noemy explains, as it was October and the worst of the pandemic seemed to be over. They enjoyed being able to see each other’s faces in person and quickly discovered mutual chemistry, and found how each practiced a deep love of their faith.

Noemy had actually spent several years in formation preparing to join the Carmelite Sisters in Alhambra, California, before discerning out. She continues to express her love of Carmelite spirituality on her blog "Pure Heart." Brian worked in computer programming as an engineer, but most of his free time was spent in ministry through being a young adult leader, intercessory ministry, and in choir with several different parishes.

Just a month later, in November, they made their relationship official and became an exclusive couple!

They also had lots of other things in common, they discovered, as several months of dating passed. This allowed their relationship to truly flourish and it wasn't too long before they started talking about their futures together.

“Our desires for a future family, marriage, practice of the faith, and the arts matched. We wanted the same thing in life!” Noemy recalls. She felt comfortable being “her silly self” with Brian very early on, which was refreshing for her in the dating world.

Brian noted how important family was to Noemy, as well.

While they were dating, they made sure to spend time with her family as well as going on one on one dates. Along with that, they met each others’ spiritual directors and kept in contact for prayer and advice as they continued their relationship.

“We prayed together every day and went to Mass as often as time would allow us each week,” Noemy recalls, rejoicing in how their dating relationship was faith-centered.

It wouldn’t remain just a dating relationship for long. About six months into being a couple, Brian and Noemy discussed where they both felt their relationship was going and what God might be calling them to do. They decided they were ready to make a deeper commitment to each other. Brian took the old-fashioned (and very effective) route, asking Noemy’s father for her hand in marriage. With his blessing, he proposed to Noemy shortly after. She said "yes"!

The happy couple is currently preparing for marriage and planning their wedding. 

“Wow! The details!” Noemy explains, discovering how much effort can go into wedding planning! However, they keep the focus of their future marriage on their shared love of God by praying together daily. They also try to go on as many dates as they did early on, to cherish this unique time together being engaged.

“We figured we better make the most of our time together, because once kids come around it will not be as easy to just pick up and go!” Noemy says, looking forward to the future.

Their wedding date is set for the winter of 2022.

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