Scholarships for Singles Conference


Over the years I've heard of the National Catholic Singles Conference—mostly because it was one of the items that appeared on my facebook news feed.

Evey year I would click on the link and look at the schedule that included time for prayer, fellowship, and talks from dynamite speakers. I thought about how fun it would be to attend, but I never took the next step to invite friends and register.

I think I let my fears and insecurities get the better of me ... I can't go by myself because I won't know anyone at the conference. I can't devote an entire weekend away, I'm so busy! I feel so awkward introducing myself to new people.

The list of excuses goes on and on and I convinced myself not to go.

This year when the National Catholic Singles Conference information appeared on my facebook feed, I clicked on the link again and noticed the fantastic speaker line-up planned. Guest presenters include internationally known speakers: Byzantine Catholic priest, artist and iconographer, Fr. Thomas Loya; Damon Owens, Director of the Theology of the Body Institute; Emily Stimpson, author of The Catholic Girl’s Survival Guide to the Single Years; Daniel Mattson, and our very own CatholicMatch Institute contributor Lisa Duffy!

Next, I clicked on the schedule that includes Mass, time for prayer, and plenty of social time—even a dance on Saturday night. Additionally, CatholicMatch is sponsoring the welcome session on Friday night.

CatholicMatch is the main sponsor for the NCSC and as a part of the mission to support and encourage single Catholics, the CatholicMatch Institute is sponsoring five scholarships to the National Catholic Singles Conference that will be held in Philadelphia on September 27-29, 2013. Click here for more information and to apply for the scholarship.

As a new member to CatholicMatch (I've been online fewer than one year), I realized that I've made so many friendships through this online community. While it is wonderful to have a community of like-minded Catholics to connect with online, it is also important to make these connections and nourish Catholic relationships in real life too.

Here is our opportunity.

I encourage you to conquer those little insecurities and take that extra step to register for the National Catholic Singles Conference. Think of this weekend as not only a great way to meet other single Catholics, but also a way to grow in your faith and better prepare to discern God's will.

Mark you calendars for September 27-29 and I look forward to meeting so many of the CatholicMatch community members—in person!

Have you attended the NCSC event in the past? Who is going this year?

Apply for the CatholicMatch Institute National Catholic Singles Conference scholarship by clicking on this link.

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