Every single Catholic needs a go-to prayer for love! Of course, praying to find love is no guarantee that you will find it. However, praying for love is something every single Catholic should do as it pushes you to connect with God and bring your worries, hopes, and desires to Him. If you're feeling down about your love life, turn to your Heavenly Father for some assistance! Invoke Jesus' name to help you find love today.
The spiritual treasury of the Catholic Church is filled with something for everyone and for just about every possible cause we can imagine. It’s, therefore, no surprise that faithful Catholics on a search for their spouse will be looking to find the right prayer for love. There are a lot of prayers for finding love to choose from and we’ll talk about a few, but before beginning, it’s important to undertake any form of prayer with the right mindset.
It’s important to think in an asymmetrical manner when we are praying to find love. In my experience, this type of thinking and expectation is important in understanding God’s will for us. Ask God to come into your presence as you form new relationships with people and pray for His guidance as you plan your next steps in any relationship. While it can be overwhelming to discern His will for your life, a simple prayer such as, "Oh Lord, lead me to my future spouse" can invoke His help and also bring you comfort in the fact that the Almighty God is in charge of your life!
The strict definition of asymmetrical is “parts that fail to correspond to one another.” In this context, it means to prepare for answers to your prayers that don’t precisely—or even remotely—match up to the original ask in prayer to find love.
Praying to Find Love is as Simple as This...
The Surrender Novena: This novena is one of the simplest, it involves saying this prayer: "O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything" ten times a day.
Praying to find love doesn't need to be overwhelming. The Surrender Novena keeps it simple. The closing request is “O Jesus, I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything. Amen.”
It’s a great way to pray for love and to hopefully find your soul-mate.
We Love This Prayer for Love
Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: This classic novena involves saying a rosary, the Act of Contrition, and then the Prayer to Our Lady Undoer of Knots (see below), every day.

"Virgin Mary, Mother of fair love, Mother who never refuses to come to the aid of a child in need, Mother whose hands never cease to serve your beloved children because they are moved by the divine love and immense mercy that exists in your heart, cast your compassionate eyes upon me and see the snarl of knots that exist in my life.
You know very well how desperate I am, my pain, and how I am bound by these knots... etc"
This is a time-honored novena for anyone facing a situation that seems to have no good solution. It is an excellent prayer for a future husband or wife. Like the rosary beads that are all tangled up and won’t seem to come undone again, life’s problems can seem too complex for us to handle—or even know how to ask for them to be handled. As you search for your loved one, this prayer for love will hopefully fill you with the peace you need to endure what is left of your single years.
Pray For Love in All Aspects of Life With This Prayer
Novena to St. Raphael: How can we forget the archangel that was the original namesake of this site? His novena prayer is full of hope, part of it reading...
"Glorious Saint Raphael, I feel the need of calling on you and of pleading for your help.
Angel of Happy Meetings, lead us by the hand to find each other. May all our movements be guided by your light and transfigured by your joy. As you led the young Tobias to Sarah and opened up for him a new way of happiness with her in holy marriage, lead me to such a one whom in your angelic wisdom you judge best suited to be united with me in marriage...etc"
CatholicMatch was originally named St. Raphael’s way back at the dawn of the 21st century. If you want to pray for love, St. Raphael should be your go-to guy. He’s the patron of happy meetings, something everyone on CatholicMatch is aspiring to find!
Pray to Find Love Through These Beautiful Words
Litany of Trust: This beautiful prayer has become quite popular with Catholics of all ages and in all walks of life, and it's easy to see why as it forces us to give up everything to Christ.
"From the belief that I have to earn Your love … Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear that I am unlovable … Deliver me, Jesus.
From the false security that I have what it takes … Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear that trusting You will leave me more destitute … Deliver me, Jesus.
From all suspicion of Your words and promises … Deliver me, Jesus.
From the rebellion against childlike dependency on You … Deliver me, Jesus... etc"
It serves as a great reminder that no matter how anxious you are about certain aspects of your life, God is in control. Pray to find love by saying this prayer with the intention of letting go of your worries and handing everything over to the Lord. Many prayers for finding love invoke the special intercession of a saint, but the Litany of Trust allows you to enter into intimate prayer with Jesus Christ and also pushes you to see what areas of your life could use a little extra assistance as you search for your future spouse.
Pray About Love, No Matter Your Situation
The Divine Mercy Chaplet: Divine Mercy is one of many powerful prayers that calls us to abandon our sin and worldly habits by a change of heart where we desire God. It uses a rosary, but on each small bead you recite, "For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world" and on the Our Father beads saying, "Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world."
This chaplet also serves as a reminder that God is in charge of our lives and we should trust Him to know what is best for us. Pray about love by committing to saying this chaplet often and using it to fully entrust your future to God. Remember, the Divine Mercy emboldens us to abandon ourselves to God by saying, “Jesus, I Trust in You.”
Other Best Prayers for Love
If the ones listed above don't cut for you, there are still several more prayers for love that have been popular with single Catholics for centuries!
These Words Exude Praying for Love
Novena to St. Joseph: Does anyone know the struggles and fears that come with marriage better than St. Joseph? His novena captures this in the prayer saying, "Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin, obtain for me a pure, humble, charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the divine Will..."
There's a reason he is the patron saint of happy marriages! Entrusted with the care of God Himself, along with God’s holiest being in Mary, St. Joseph persevered, trusting in faith daily. Praying love to find you and lead to a happy marriage is something this saint would be glad to help you with. This is a great prayer to meet a husband or wife!
A Prayer to Find Love
Novena to St. Ann: This novena is a classic prayer to find love! St. Ann has long been heralded as a saint who can help you find a holy husband or wife. Part of her novena prayer reminds us of her power saying, "O glorious St. Ann, you are filled with compassion for those who invoke you and with love for those who suffer! Heavily burdened with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at your feet and humbly beg of you to take the present intention which I recommend to you in your special care..."
Many Catholics credit their ability to find their true love to this novena, maybe you will be next!
Final Thoughts on for Praying Love
Prayers for love are a big ask and God will always answer them. It’s not about finding the absolute perfect formula or the “never fails” novena. It’s about surrendering to His will. Adding these prayers to your daily prayer routine is a great way to do that, to see where the reply comes, and to see His goodness and wisdom within the answer that comes. His unconditional love for you is the real love you need to rely on as you search for your great love here on earth.
Lastly, remember, even just a quick personal prayer throughout the day, something as simple as, "Dear God, please, help me to find my future spouse!" or "Dear Lord, guide me throughout my single years!" can be a beautiful act. Also, don't be afraid to turn to bible verses (such as 1 Corinthians 13) or stories of the saints (such as Sts. Louis and Zelie) for some support, as many of them cover the difficulties of finding God's plan for your life. Lastly, the Holy Spirit is an excellent guide throughout all of life's many struggles, so choosing a devotional to Him is also a great choice.
Prayers for Love FAQS
Is there a prayer to make someone love you?
Prayers for love are not love potions and shouldn't be thought of as such. There is no "love prayer" that will instantly get you a husband or wife. However, prayer can be a beautiful tool to deeper your faith and your trust in Jesus Christ and ask Him for His guidance as you navigate relationships. He cares about our desires and it is always good to bring them to prayer.
How do you pray to love one another?
Prayer opens the door to allow God into your life and your relationships. When you pray to find love (or support the love you already have) you're telling God that you need Him and want Him to guide your next relationship. Ask God to help you grow in love and to learn to love everyone in your life as He does. Don't forget that your love of God should lead you to love everyone in your life a little bit better, too.
Is it bad to pray for someone you love?
Of course not! In fact, praying for someone you love can be one of the most loving things you do. Nothing says, "I love you" quite like asking God to care for your beloved. Try to make it a daily habit to pray for each of your loved ones. A simple prayer such as, "Lord Jesus, please, guide (insert their name) today!" Entrust their care to God and ask Him to bless them and your relationships.
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