New York Times Magazine Captures Rosary-Praying Novice


This week's New York Times Magazine features an arresting image of Sr. Mary Kate, an 18-year-old novice with the Dominican Sisters of Mary (the Ann Arbor, Mich., convent made famous by Oprah and their Harvard graduate.)

The editors were so intrigued by this picture they decided to use it for their "What Were They Thinking" feature, inviting Sr. Mary Kate to describe that moment. She wrote:

"We pray the rosary at the same time every day at the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist — always after lunch. You’re basically repeating the words that Archangel Gabriel said to Our Lady. These are the most important words in history, so to say them over and over again doesn’t make them in the least bit old. ..."

The Dominican Sisters were founded by four women in 1997. Today the community has about 100 members and is preparing to welcome a new batch of postulants next month.

This spring I had the pleasure of interviewing Sr. Mary Anne Marks, the Harvard grad who gave last year's Latin commencement address. I asked her about the blessings of single life. Here's what she told me:

"I actually don’t consider myself single. Even though I haven’t yet professed the vows that will unite me to Christ as His spouse, I am living them in community each day and am set apart to be His alone, if this is indeed what He desires for me.

However, having recently come from the single life and as a wholehearted supporter of all the states in life, I would say that single life certainly has its particular blessings. It shares with consecrated life an exciting availability to God and to the community."

Here's to making the most of that "exciting availability" – and to those beautiful Dominican Sisters!

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