New Onesie Designed For All The CatholicMatch Babies


CatholicMatch is proud to claim so many success stories, couples who meet on our site and later marry. We know our current members find inspiration and hope in reading their romantic tales, one of the most popular features of "Faith, Hope & Love."

But the lesser chronicled dimension of this is the conclusion of the old rhyme "first comes love, then comes marriage" – the babies! It makes us simply euphoric to think of all those beautiful babies being raised by faithful parents in happy Catholic homes, each unit its own "domestic church," as Blessed John Paul II wrote in Familiaris Consortio, a 1981 apostolic exhortation.

These babies – turned toddlers and kids – truly represent the future of the Church, which gives us great hope.

So we're happy to celebrate these chubby-cheeked cherubs with a onesie proclaiming "CatholicMatch Baby." Bob designed the image and our intrepid office manager Louise handled the printing. Thanks to both of them!


To request your complimentary onesie

Email and note the size of the onesie or T-shirt and your name and address. We'll ship it out to you.

In return, please email us a picture of your baby or kid in the shirt and send a little info (name, birthdate, fun details, etc.). We'll compile a collage of our adorable CatholicMatch babies and everyone who views it will be a little happier.

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