Member Spotlight: Ruling Out Priesthood, Awaiting A Wife


Though he has decided not to pursue priesthood, William-149730 is immensely grateful for the two years of formation he received at St. Meinard Seminary. In fact, the 33-year-old insurance agent wishes he would’ve gone to seminary sooner.

“Seminary has been the best experience I have had in my life,” William said. “Although I discerned out of priesthood, I was challenged and educated in so many ways.”

He’s hoping to apply those insights to marriage.

“I believe I’m called to marriage because I feel that is the best way to serve God with my life. Seminary was a great way for me to mature and grow past myself and think of others first. It has taught me the value of sacrifice.”

William points to another experience that may make him more wife-worthy: growing up with four sisters (and no brothers).

“I definitely learned to be a listener and to be more sensitive,” he said. “And how to match my clothes!”

These days, the Purdue grad is enjoying being back on CatholicMatch, having first tried it out before seminary, and counting on God’s perfect timing. “My trust and dependence on God have grown as I have gotten older and matured,” William said. “I’ll just keep waiting as He prepares me for my future partner in life.”

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