How to Have the Best Advent ... Ever


As we round the corner to Thanksgiving, I'm reminded of the list of things that have to get done; cleaning, shopping, cooking, volunteering at the school, but also packing to move again. Many of us are probably guilty of thinking of the holidays as one more thing to check off the long to-do list.

It's easy for any of us to come up with excuses and tell ourselves that we have more going on than what "normal" families go through; chronic illnesses, pregnancy, new baby, mourning the loss of a family member, changing jobs, unemployment, deployment, hosting dinners and parties, and moving. It's easy to reshuffle our priorities so that on the surface, we look put together and well-presented, but God happens to take a mini vacation from our lives. Of course we'll invite Him back in when things settle down, but just after I check off a few more tasks on my list.

This Advent season I invite you to rip up your to-do list. Instead invite God back into your daily life by making a total consecration of yourself to Jesus through Mary (look up Saint Louis De Montfort's Preparation for Total Consecration).

As our Blessed Mother was preparing in her last month to give birth to Christ, let us remember she did not have a baby shower; she was homeless; poor; away from family and friends. She also had to travel a distance that Christmas, too, while in labor, with terrible accommodations. Essentially she had nothing, but Jesus and Joseph. Let us meditate on this simplistic lifestyle this Advent season, and try our best to imitate her pure devotion. The amazing effect of these prayers and grace is that when we purposely set aside that time to pray, our souls, hearts, and minds are clearer of clutter which makes the rest of our daily life easier to tackle.

Nine years ago on the feast day of The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, my husband proposed to me. Knowing that our preparation for marriage would need all the extra graces we could gain, I suggested we both follow the devotional timeline leading up to consecrating ourselves to Mary on January 1, the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God.

On the outside, I knew this seemed like poor timing. We quickly had to renegotiate travel plans for Thanksgiving, as well as Christmas, based on our recent engagement. At the time, I was supposed to be applying and interviewing for jobs, which instead had to be postponed. Becoming engaged also meant I had to start planning the biggest event of my life, in addition to holding a part-time job while in school full-time.

But those were the exact reasons why I knew we needed to make the consecration. We needed to form the habit of putting God first and to form our hearts in the likeness of the Blessed Mother, starting in Advent, the new year of the liturgical calendar, as well as marking that turning point in our relationship.

Here is the list of reasons why we should practice this devotion according to Saint Louis De Montfort:

1.  By this devotion we give ourselves completely to God

2.  It helps us to imitate Christ

3.  It obtains many blessings from our Lady

4.  It is an excellent means of giving glory to God

5.  It leads to union with our Lord

6.  It gives liberty of spirit

7.  It is of great benefit to our neighbor

8.  It is a wonderful means of perseverance

Here is the list of effects from this devotion:

1.  Knowledge of our unworthiness

2.  A share in Mary's Faith

3.  The gift of pure love

4.  Great confidence in God and Mary

5.  Communication of the Spirit of Mary

6.  Transformation into the likeness of Jesus

7.  The greater glory of Christ

Over the last decade we have never regretted making the time available for these prayers, and I promise you won't either. The devotion is available through many publishers in regular book format, as well as digital, making the access as simple as picking up your phone or tablet. There's a simpler version of beautiful meditations and shorter prayers if you're still on the fence about the full devotion, found here.

If you're still gripping tight that to-do list, compare it with the one I outlined above. Which one will lead you to greater holiness? Advent is a great time of preparation in anticipation of great joy; we have a right to celebrate. Let's make sure we're celebrating for the right reasons: God's unfathomable love for us that He would send His only Son to take our place on the Cross, and not just the gift of His Son as our intercessor, but the gift of the Blessed Virgin Mary as an even closer intercessor.

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