How to Eat and Drink Like a Saint This Summer


Catholics should know how to both fast and feast.

When I converted to Catholicism in 2015, I was pleasantly overwhelmed with all the different ways to live out your faith outside of the church pews. 

I was introduced to the rosary, to the liturgy of the hours, to feast days, solemnities, to women’s groups, to ongoing prayer partners, and different places where I could give back in service to those in my community.

I am so thankful that I had (and still have) good people to look up to in just being a daily witness with the small stuff too—like having a holy water font by your front door and a crucifix above. Talking about how Jesus is working in your life that week and taking the sufferings of life, small and large, in the light that they are not for nothing. 

One of the most enjoyable ways my husband and I have come to celebrate the faith is through food and drink.

This is something that was originally introduced to me through Kendra Tierney.

She has an amazing foundation of living liturgically within her family, and it’s a beauty to see the faith lived out in such a fun and normal and DOABLE way.

I was also gifted a book early on as a Catholic by my in-laws titled, “Drinking With The Saints: A Sinner’s Guide to a Holy Happy Hour,” and gifted them with a book myself (which I in turn reference often!) titled, “Cooking With The Saints.”

In “Drinking With The Saints,” you get a special cocktail, wine, or beer that you can make/purchase in accordance with which saint the Church celebrates that day. The drink goes along with the life and legacy of the particular saint left on this Earth, and it’s been a wonderful way to learn more about the saints and celebrate their lives. It’s also the easiest way we’ve found to talk about our faith with our super secular friends (#evangelization)!

“Cooking With The Saints” doesn’t have as many days included, but the meals are spectacular. They go right along with the saint’s life and where they lived, what they loved, and where they were from (to the extent of the knowledge we have of the saint!). 

To bring the two books together for a meal is the ultimate sweet spot, as most of the days between the two overlap.

And for all the other days, as well as the seasons within the Church (Lent, Advent, Ordinary Time, etc.), Kendra Tierney has prayers and games and food and fun to celebrate and live like a Catholic EVERY DAY of your life, not just on Sundays. 

Below are some of the ways my husband and I will be celebrating the feast days through our meals as a family. We love to draw out the cooking, enjoy ourselves for the afternoon, and make way too much so we have leftovers. And the drinks make it all the more enjoyable! (please know I got these recipes from a quick Google search and from ones we’ve used before, not from the actual books themselves. The drink recipes I give below are from the book directly. Hyperlink=easier access for you! But you should also buy the books!)

July 1: St. Junipero Serra

Mexico (born 1713, died 1784)

St. Junipero Serra was a Spanish priest and a missionary to the New World. From 1769 to 1782, he opened nine missions from San Diego to San Fransisco, and so earned his beloved title, “Father of California.”

To celebrate him, you can make Jericalla, which are individual custards, considered to be the traditional mission food during his time. Think: Spanish flavor with French crème brulee looks. A drink that best fits his life would be Sangria, however you like to make it yourself. However, a gin and tonic would also work! Junipero, or Juniper (the plant) is the main ingredient of gin. 

July 12: St. Veronica


Historians believe St. Veronica lived in Jerusalem at the time of Christ’s Passion, and she is known for having rushed to wipe the sweat and blood from Jesus’ face with her veil as He struggled to carry His cross.

In her honor, you can make Israeli Tahini Cookies!

July 19: St. Vincent de Paul

France (born 1581, died 1660)

Most know of St. Vincent de Paul from the Catholic charity societies across the country.  In his lifetime he founded the Congregation of the Priests of the Mission and co-founded the Daughters of Charity. 

It is certainly acceptable to share a bottle of wine from any French label you can find, and raise your glasses to say, “To the Apostle of Charity: May we profit by his example of caring for the poor and honoring the priesthood.”

July 31: St. Ignatius of Loyola

Spain (born 1491, died 1556)

St. Ignatius is widely known for his writing, “The Spiritual Exercises,” and for forming the new Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, with St. Francis Xavier and St. Peter Faber.

Because St. Ignatius is from an area called the Basque Country in Northern Spain, making Basque Lamb Stew is a perfect ode to his great life. Hardy, yummy, and something to prepare and cook with family. And if you’re not a lamb person, you can certainly use beef! To drink, you can purchase a bottle of Izarra, a sweet herbal Basque liqueur. Or, have something made with passionflower, which was a discovery made by Jesuit missionaries in Mexico and used as an allegory for the Lord’s Passion.

August 4: St. Jean-Marie Vianney

France (born 1786, died 1859)

St. Jean-Marie was a man of great faith within your “inner room,” as St. Therese of Lisieux would call it. He was a dedicated priest to a small village called Ars, where in listening to confessions for 12 to 16 hours a day, he brought thousands back to the faith. 

One meal to make to honor him is Poulet a la Normade, or Normandy Chicken. There are many different recipes out there to choose from, but one of my favorites includes apples and apple cider. 

August 11: St. Philomena

Greece (born 291, died 304)

St. Philomena has one of my favorite saint stories: in choosing Christ over marriage, she was punished several times cruelly, and each time angels came to help and heal her. Her ultimate death was being beheaded, but every statue you see of her shows the objects around her that failed in taking her life—arrows, a rope and anchor. Much of her life is known through the visions that Mother Maria Luisa de Gesu received in prayer. 

To celebrate this saint’s life and the profound impact she has had on the faith life of many, you go all out Greek. “Cooking with the Saints” suggests starting with Banana peppers in tomato sauce before moving on to Greek marinated grilled chicken and crispy eggplant with tomato sauce. And then enjoying Semolina Sweets for dessert!

August 14: St. Maximilian Kolbe

Poland (born 1894, died 1941)

St. Maximilian is well known for his act of love in the Auschwitz concentration camp when he willingly took the place of another man on his way to his death. He was a great evangelizer in Poland, and is the patron saint of drug addicts and prisoners. 

When making any type of Polish meal, it is obligatory that you do not make it alone. Surround yourself with family! And enjoy the evening, cooking away with your house smelling amazing. “Cooking With The Saints” includes a recipe for Sauerkraut Soup. You can go even further beyond that and make kielbasa and pierogi, too!

August 28: St. Augustine of Hippo

Algeria (born 354, died 430)

St. Augustine is the son of St. Monica and was baptized by St. Ambrose. His conversion is largely credited to his mother’s undying prayers for his conversion! He spent much of his priesthood in debate against the secular mindset and worked hard to successfully preserve the Catholic Faith in his community. 

To celebrate him, you can make Tchakchouka. Hear me out—it’s totally doable. It’s essentially onions, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, and garlic with some spices cooked until it resembles a stew. You can add in eggs, sausage and French fries too. Have fun with it! “Drinking With The Saints” suggests making a Lady Continence, which is 2 oz fig vodka, ½ oz lemon juice, some simple syrup and sliced fig for garnish. 

While this is FAR from exhaustive, and there are multiple meals you can make to celebrate a saint each day, these remain some of my favorites. There is a reason Jesus puts so much emphasis on breaking bread together—community matters! We were made for it. And what better way to spend time in community than around great food and even better drinks?

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