How Do Singles Show Love on Valentine's Day?


I have a love/hate relationship with Valentine's Day: when I am dating someone I love it, when I am single I hate it.

Sometimes I think it is just another way for the flower and card industry to make a buck (and more than 200 CatholicMatch members agree with me, according to this Valentine's Day poll).

Although I'm single (again) this year, I do have a special place in my heart for St. Valentine's Day because of the way my parents show their love on this special day.

Growing up, my Dad would bring home a box of chocolates for my mom on Valentine's Day.

Every year, the same box of chocolates.

Sometimes he would even bring home a little box of chocolates for his daughters (it had to be little because he had six daughters!)

Even today my Dad is still bringing home that same box of chocolates for my mom and I think it is so sweet (no pun intended).

My dad brings home gifts, but my mom shows her love in a different way.

Every year she hosts a St. Valentine's Day dinner at her house. She decorates the table with hearts and lace, gives a special gift to each person, and even has a few Valentine's Day games.

All the guests bring Valentines to hand out. Last year I got a cut-out heart with my name written on it (from my 5-year-old nephew), a Spider-man “be mine” valentine, and some good ol' loving from the Hulk.

My cousin, (the teacher) gave out Ring Pops and it was a big hit!

I think I can count on one hand the times I’ve been dating someone when Valentine’s Day came around. When I was in a relationship, I didn’t have any big expectations, but admitted that I would like to be acknowledged. Isn't that what most of us want? To be appreciated and loved for who we are?

If being single on Valentine's Day is getting you down, I invite you to browse our collection of Valentine's Day articles especially for single Catholics. You'll find a variety of articles that are not only helpful, but funny, practical, and spiritual too. 

What are your thoughts about St. Valentine's Day? Do you think it is blown out of proportion or a special day to show our love? Go ahead and take our Valentine's Day poll and feel free to leave me a comment about how you will be celebrating Valentine’s Day this year.

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