The cute little decorative hearts are starting to appear in the store-front windows. The card aisle all of a sudden is bright pink and red. The local Italian restaurants are advertising their dinner specials.
Yes, that’s right. Valentine’s Day is coming.
For the dating crowd, Valentine’s Day causes a lot of anxiety to provide a magical date night.
For guys, it is the stress of picking a restaurant that will wow her, sending the right flowers that will impress her coworkers and wondering what the heck he should get for a gift.
For women, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to wear a stunning outfit, to pick a card with just the right note and to fill the night with wonderful conversations.
For us single folk, Valentine’s Day induces a different kind of stress.
Maybe you are the type that makes really thoughtful valentines for everyone and is tickled by this special day of love. Or maybe, like me, you are irritated by the entire stupid day because it not so delicately reinforces that yes, I am indeed single. And that no, I won’t be getting any roses or gushy cards in the mail, thank you very much.
Why do we do this to ourselves?
Maybe because, no matter who you are, everyone wants to be loved.
If you are single and loathe Valentine’s Day with every ounce of your being, then it’s time to make a change. Do not let yourself be unhappy that Cupid did not strike again this year.
Do you know why kids love Valentine’s Day? Because it means Spiderman Valentine’s and a ton of candy from their friends. Who doesn’t love that? So go to the dollar store and buy those Ninja Turtle valentines and send them to every single person you know.
Wouldn’t you love to be remembered and appreciated on Valentine’s Day, even if you aren’t dating someone?
Of course. Everyone would.
Why are you torturing yourself by staying home every Feb. 14? Now I’m not suggesting that you go out to a fancy (over-priced) restaurant and surround yourself with all the happy couples (that would just be painful), but I am suggesting that you get together with a few of your closest friends for a movie night (no chick flicks allowed) or how about a night of pool and beers?
Now guys and gals, go plan a night of fun for Feb. 14. Nothing romantic. Just fun. Believe me, it will relieve a lot of people. Maybe add a little self deprecating humor (to take the awkwardness out of the whole night) and call it the “Lonely Hearts Night o’ Fun” or “Beating Single’s Awareness Day” or some other clever title you could think of.
I’ve got my plans for Valentine’s Day. How about you? How are you celebrating Feb. 14?
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