I am going to confess a great insecurity. I never wanted to be on TV. Even though I'm on it in the video below, and you can watch me on social media anywhere, I don't want to be in front of a camera because honestly the camera adds five extra pounds to you, and that makes me uncomfortable. It also makes me uncomfortable that people can actually see some of my blemishes.
My spiritual director helped me discover how to get over that. He basically told me this: You know how much stock the weather puts into what the weatherman says? Well, that's how much stock we should put into what other people say about us.
Let me break that down for you. We just have to be ourselves. People will always say stuff about us. If we are confident in who we are, in how God made us, then we should have the confidence (con fide—with faith) to know that we will be okay.
My Unusual Job
Here is why I bring this up: I am doing very unique work. I am a priest with a very public role doing something that does not always seem very priestly...I'm a chef. And believe me, even some of my priest friends would make fun of me. If I were to think about what they were joking with me about, I would not be hosting this international movement that is doing a lot of good work.
In other words, I believe God has called me to this Grace Before Meals ministry, which is why I can't worry about what other people say about me. This is just like realizing that the weather is going to do what the weather is going to do no matter what the weatherman says.
Take Action
So, what I want you to do is ask yourself these questions. What are you called to do? Who are you called to be? What unique quality do you have that God has given to you, and have you buried it under a bushel basket because you are afraid of what other people will think?
If you have, that's silly because that's the light that needs to be proclaimed from the rooftops. What are the unique talents God has uniquely graced me with? How am I going to proclaim that from the roof tops? Hopefully these questions will help you be more confident, because in your confidence, you will be the attractive light of Christ to others.
God bless you and your uniqueness.
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