Andy: 'I'm Happy To Take A Break From Dating Women'


By Andy-246798

I haven’t been in many dating relationships, but when I have been in a relationship, it was always a struggle to balance time with my friends and time with my girlfriend.

True, this time does not have to be mutually exclusive, but we all know iron sharpens iron and watching a game while eating greasy pizza hardly qualifies as a romantic date.

This Lent I am excited to be single! While I am not going to go so far as to swear off women altogether, I am definitely not actively searching.

Being single gives me the opportunity to spend date night in prayer, donate the money that would have funded a nice dinner to the Rice Bowl, and spend Saturday volunteering or helping community members with their spring-cleaning projects.

I am going to take this Lent and, in a way, date Jesus: spent extra time in prayer with Him, share my gifts with Him and spend my extra money on Him.

I know that when I take the time in a dating relationship to do these things, they pay off ten-fold.  I also know that when I take the time to do these things in my relationship with God, they pay off 10,000-fold.

So don’t get me wrong: I don’t want to spend the rest of my Lents being single. I am truly looking forward to the day that my wife and I can draw closer to the Lord and to each other during Lent by praying and serving together.

However, that day will not be this Lent, and I’m happy to take a break from dating women to have some good ol’ quality guy time with Jesus.

Reflection question: How can you carve out some quality time with Jesus this weekend?

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