Finding it difficult to count your blessings this season? Here are some ways to answer that need to out pour all of that love you have to give.
Here are my simple suggestions:
Be St. Nick. You can be Santa (and Christ!) for children in need. They'll never forget your generosity, and it's a way for you to participate in a child's life during this season where the prepare to meet the Child.
Cook a Meal. Start a community sign-up sheet in your parish to bring meals to those in need: recovering from surgery, loss of loved one, birth of a baby, deployed spouse. Start taking turns once a week to cook a meal with other single friends for another family. It will be well received!
Pray. Saint Andrew's feast—November 30—is traditionally listed as the first saint's day of the liturgical year. The tradition is to pray the Saint Andrew Christmas Novena 15 times each day from the Feast of Saint Andrew until Christmas flows. It doesn't matter if you start the novena late. Pray it every day until Christmas.
Learn an Advent Hymn. Learn the words to O Come, O Come Emmanuel and sing it on Sundays. Here is a beautiful instrumental version of this song:
Go to Mass. Get to daily Mass-if it's available in your area. The reward is not only eternal, but temporal—getting your day started with Mass will put you in a different mood for the rest of the day, even if it means waking up an hour earlier. Make that sacrifice for those who can't make it due to family obligations. Please don't take this opportunity for granted! This is a a sacred time to ignore the distractions and strengthen your relationship with Christ.
Go to Confession. Frequent confession reminds me of not just the things I've done wrong, but also the things I should have done that I've omitted. Do a little internal house cleaning and clear your soul of all cobwebs. This practice helps us grow in humility, which, while we clearly see the blessings of others, we are reminded that others are just as wounded as we are, and have just as many crosses. By availing ourselves to grace, we will find every day challenges more peaceful, and we'll be better attuned to hearing God's calling.
Host an Advent party. Create a dinner rotation with a bunch of your single friends taking turns hosting and reading prayers by your Advent wreath and lighting candles—the same way you'd do with your own family. This will help you unwind, relax, and enjoy the presence of your friends. If you're blessed with this extra time then you are blessed with greater opportunities to nurture these friendships.
Play With Kids. Enjoy your nieces and nephews. I have three lovely daughters of my own, but nothing compares to the joy of my nieces and nephews. We especially delight in our godchildren. Why? Because children are the best gifts God gives. Regardless of how they came into this world, we are all gifted by their presence, not just their biological parents. I am grateful for all the sacrifices their parents have made so that they exist here for me to know them, enjoy them, share my faith with them, and glorify God with them.
Start Saving for Retirement. This can easily become sidelined as new house projects, children's birth, medical bills, orthodontia bills, and then high school or college tuition bills pile up. Meet with a financial planner to discuss budget terms to pay off your debt quickly, but also to start your savings plan. It sounds boring, but let me know if you're not grateful for that time and resources spent 10 years into your marriage.
Forgive Someone. Did you know the Year of Mercy started on December 8? This is the time to say "I'm sorry" and a time to forgive those who have hurt you in the past.
This Advent, don't focus on the things that you don't have, but remember to see God's love in every situation and use the "talents" God has given you.
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