What Christmas Means for Catholic Singles


The holiday is officially here!

And, we all know that Christmas is a time to celebrate peace, love, and joy! For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord. (Luke 2:11)

If you are single today, you may struggle with feeling a lack of these things in your life. However, the Christmas season reminds us that finding joy in singleness is not hard at all.

There are many ways to find peace and joy while living a single life. In fact, during your time as a single adult, it is crucial that you find your own inner peace, joy, and self-love! If marriage is your vocation, then you must prepare your heart for marriage by practicing contentment and patience (and that includes the ever-hetic and often lonely holidays)!

Find peace in God.

The first way to find joy in your single life is to give yourself wholly and completely to God. Those who walk in full communion with God bask in His glory, love, and peacefulness. In the Psalms, we are told that those who give their troubles to God will find fulfillment in everlasting life. 

Psalm 55:23 - Cast your care upon the LORD, who will give you support. He will never allow the righteous to stumble.

Regular attendance at Mass will bolster your relationship with God. He is all-knowing and will bless you with what you need as long as you are willing to follow Him and love Him with all your heart.  

Christmastime is probably the best time of year to return to Mass if you haven’t been able to make it lately. After all, we are celebrating the birth of our Lord! You will really feel the love and joyful connection to the Holy Spirit when you step foot inside of the beautifully decorated church. So, this Christmas Day, be sure to get yourself into the pew, whether you attend Midnight Mass or one on Christmas morning...Baby Jesus will be happy to see you!

Pray often.

A solid prayer schedule will also help lift your spirits and give you joy. I always find peace in talking to God about my day. Whether I am struggling with sin, thanking Him for blessings, or just casting my worries into His arms, prayer always brings me peace.  

When I was single, I worked very hard to develop a regular prayer schedule to help me discern what I wanted in a partner and out of life in general. My habit of prayer was very helpful to me when I got into a relationship, because I was able to turn to God and the Rosary whenever I struggled. Now, my boyfriend (who I met on CatholicMatch!) and I pray together, and our relationship is stronger for it. However, I never could have brought prayer into my relationship with my boyfriend had I not established a routine on my own first.

During this season of new beginnings, please join me in saying this prayer for hope, peace, and discernment:

Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

Find joy in yourself and others.

Christmas Day is a time for thankfulness and giving. A great way to spend this Christmas, if you are not with family or friends, is by volunteering. Reach out to your local church groups and see if they have any activities planned for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Sometimes, giving back to others gives us a sense of fulfillment we cannot find anywhere else.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7 says, Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Just as Christ gave His life to mankind, we should give our hearts to the poor and needy during the holiday season.

And, of course, take some time to rest and give back to ourselves as well.

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