Walking On Hot Coals Is Not A Good Lenten Penance


Lent starts next week, whether you're ready or not. So...what are you giving up for Lent? Ok trick question. You don't have to "give anything up" for Lent necessarily. You can walk on hot coals instead! Or stop wearing a coat! Okay, no, don't do those things either.

But you should do something to remind yourself of the penitential nature of the season, and hopefully grow closer to God.

My most successful Lenten sacrifice was the year I wrote down forty people's names and put them in a jar. Then, every day, I would pick a name. That day, I offered my whole day for them. Any sacrifice I would make, or prayer I would say, I would think of them. Then I would send them a quick text or email saying that I was thinking about them today or that I hoped they were doing well. It was a pretty good Lent.

But then, the next year...

That Lent was much better than the Lent where I gave up my bed and slept on the floor for the duration of the season. You see, the problem with that particular sacrifice for me is that I actually like sleeping on the floor, and am not a huge fan of beds. So...sleeping on the floor did not challenge me in any real way after the first week because I got used to it and didn't mind it.

This Lent, I'm out of ideas. If you're not sure what to do yet for Lent this year, might I make a suggestion?

Sign up for our Lenten Bootcamp for Single Catholics! It is completely free. Once you sign up, you have access to the videos for all of Lent 2017. Watch one each week, and then do the action items as your Lenten penance everyday.

Check out the course, and get your Lent off to a great start!


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