When a friend encouraged Elizabeth to try CatholicMatch, she realized it might be an answer to her prayers.
Elizabeth, 25, had only recently been diagnosed with high-functioning autism and was trying to learn more about herself. “A friend suggested to me that I try online dating,” she shares. Since she sometimes misses social cues, she figured the online platform of reading profiles and messaging people could be a good fit. Signing up for a 3-month subscription, Elizabeth set out on her journey feeling hopeful.
Originally from Pennsylvania, Elizabeth had been sent by her work organization, AmeriCorps, to rural Iowa for a year. Initially, she only had Pennsylvania as her profile location since her placement in Iowa was temporary. But one day, she decided to switch her location to Iowa. This decision made all the difference.
Robert found himself curious about CatholicMatch after spotting an ad in the church bulletin.
Robert, 24, became frustrated with the online dating scene after about four months. He had initially joined hoping to broaden his horizons, since growing up in small town Iowa did not lend itself to a vast dating pool. Yet months in, the prospects did not prove too promising. Yet one day, he noticed that a nearby woman liked his profile. Upon looking at Elizbeth’s profile, he was curious why a native Pennsylvanian was living in Iowa. “Why are you in Iowa?” Robert wrote in his first message to her.

Robert was pleasantly surprised to see Elizabeth respond later that same day. Hearing about her service work with AmeriCorps, the two soon began messaging back and forth. Soon after, they met for their first video chat. “Automatically when we were on our first phone call, we had this connection where we felt like we knew each other so well,” Robert shares. “We both knew exactly what we were going to say and there was just this bond.”
A couple weeks later, they met for their first in-person date. Meeting at Texas Roadhouse for dinner, Robert brought Elizabeth flowers and chocolates. “It was an easy conversation and he was nice and chivalrous,” says Elizabeth. “He asked me out on a second date and I thought, ‘why not?’”
“I think I found my wife.”
After the third date, Robert was convinced that this was something special. Texting Elizabeth later that evening, he said, “I think I found my wife.”
“That’s a little fast!” Elizabeth admits thinking to herself, but it didn’t scare her away. They had such a connection from the start that both of them knew this was something they needed to continue pursuing.

Soon after, Elizabeth sent Robert a text one day at work, asking “Will you be my boyfriend?” Robert responded, “I would be honored.” The next day was Palm Sunday, and at the Easter Vigil that Saturday, Robert picked up Elizabeth to attend Mass with him.
On their way to Mass, they stopped to pick up Robert’s grandma, who was shocked to see Robert with a girlfriend. The entire car ride to the church and throughout the Easter Vigil Mass, Robert’s grandmother kept turning around and giving Elizabeth the “stare down.” This did not faze Elizabeth, and soon she became quite close with Robert’s loving—albeit protective—grandma.
A cross-country move helps bring clarity to the relationship.

As their relationship grew, the two enjoyed spending time in the young adult Catholic community in Iowa, attending Adoration and Mass together often. Elizabeth knew that her contract year in Iowa was soon coming to an end, and when she received her next placement in Florida, the couple had a decision to make.
Robert, who was in between jobs anyway, decided that he would follow Elizabeth and also relocate to Florida. Working as a corrections officer, he was easily employable in any location. Though his family initially had their hesitations about Robert moving so far away for a girlfriend he had only known for 5 months, they were also supportive of him giving it a try. “They told me I could always come back if it didn’t work out,” says Robert.
The move to Florida ended up being a great decision for their relationship. They soon got plugged into the young adult Catholic community there and made many new friends together. Attending a weekly Bible study and Adoration particularly brought them closer together.
A marriage proposal came in the middle of a 6-mile hike!
On May 5, 2024, about 13 months into their relationship, Robert proposed to Elizabeth. Hiking through the woods on a hot Florida day, Robert surprised Elizabeth four miles into their hike by getting down on one knee. Elizabeth was so shocked that she almost passed out!
“Your grandparents would be so proud of you,” Robert said to Elizabeth before asking her to marry him. This was especially significant to Elizabeth, who had recently lost both of her grandparents whom she was especially close to. When she had recovered from her shock and excitement, Elizabeth said yes! Upon finishing their hike, the happy couple called their families to tell them the news. Marriage preparations and wedding planning soon followed.
A June wedding with two receptions in the same weekend!

The wedding Mass will be held on Friday, June 13th at Elizabeth’s home parish in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. They plan to use the chalice that belonged to Elizabeth’s great uncle Dennis, who was an Oblate of St. Francis. This chalice has been a special tradition in Elizabeth’s family used with all of their sacraments. A reception will follow that evening in Collegeville with about 150 of their family and friends.
Then, since Robert’s family is primarily in Iowa and many are unable to travel due to health reasons, the happy newlyweds will travel the next day to Iowa, where a second reception will be held for them in Robert’s hometown on Sunday!
The happy couple is eagerly anticipating their wedding day, looking forward to receiving the graces of the Sacrament and taking on life together as best friends.