I remember back in the early 70s when I was 9 or 10 years old my parents took my siblings and I to a church to hear Mother Teresa give a talk. As you can imagine, the auditorium was standing room only but we were lucky enough to get seats. As I listened to Mother Teresa speak, my mother leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Never forget this day. You are in the presence of a living saint." My parents said the same thing to me on a Sunday afternoon as we were rushing out the door to attend a Mass that was to be celebrated by Cardinal József Mindszenty. "We already went to Mass this morning, why do we have to go to Mass AGAIN? I asked. "Because you will be in the presence of a living saint!"
I've always been so grateful to my parents for impressing upon me the significance of being holy and paying attention to those who are holy as an example. I think there are many people alive today who are living saints and walking among us very much unnoticed. I think that is part of what makes them holy... they live very holy lives in the small details of every day life.
God offers each of us opportunities to become saints according to our state in life. Each one of us must carry different crosses and going through a divorce can be one of the heaviest burdens to bear. So, I'd like to offer you some food for thought about how the annulment process presents an opportunity to live the small details of your life with great love.
First, as you go through the annulment questionnaire, you are faced with having to revisit painful memories and unpleasant events that took place during your relationship with your ex-spouse. This can seem like cruel and unusual punishment, but it is possible to approach this with great love. First, in offering this pain up for the good of someone else, maybe even for your ex-spouse, second, in approaching this task with a desire to find forgiveness for those who have hurt you. There is a cleansing effect that accompanies this exercise which lends peace of mind and consolation.
Next, you may also find it awkward and uncomfortable to ask friends and family to offer witness testimony. It is a humbling place to be in, no question. This is where you can continue to live the small details with great love, through your humility and reliance on God as you work with your witnesses and wait for their replies.
It can also be seemingly unbearable to wait for the case to be process and a verdict to be rendered. You can drive yourself crazy wondering what will happen. But here is an opportunity to show great love every day through using this period of time to build your trust and reliance on God. Make this your special project... don't drive yourself crazy wondering what will happen, tell God often you trust Him. Pray for the canon lawyers reviewing your case, and wait with a smile on your face because you are content to have God's will to be done in your life.
Not only are these little ways to live the details with great love, they are steps that lead down the path to sainthood. Why do I say that? Because these are the steps that all the saints have taken, famous or not... enduring their crosses with humility, forgiveness and patience. There are many ways each of us can live with great love and if you are thinking about going through the annulment process or are currently in the process, I offer you this encouragement in the hopes you will find peace and healing for yourself, and firm footing on the path to heaven.
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