St. Padre Pio Helped Them Find a Spouse


Leona, 49, and Mike, 59, came to CatholicMatch from very different directions, but both were very hopeful they would find the soul mates they had been praying for.

Both married very young and had children soon after. Tragically, Leona’s husband abandoned her, leaving her to rear their three sons alone. Mike and his first wife had two sons together.

“We had over 33 beautiful years together before she succumbed to health issues and fell asleep in anticipation of her final reward,” Mike, from Puyallup, WA recalls.

Having come from different faith traditions, Leona and Mike both felt called to join the Catholic Church. They did so in 2009 and 2010 respectively and both have found tremendous joy and peace in becoming Catholic.

Waiting for the Right Time

Mike and Leona had waited for a very long time before seeking a new spouse. She waited so she could raise her sons and complete her annulment, and he waited to resolve his grief. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, they joined CatholicMatch around the same time in late 2013.

“We both had great expectations and open hearts and minds,” Mike says.


Leona happened to be one of the first “Matches” suggested to Mike.

“Her very candid profile, profound beauty, and thoughtfully answered interview questions were a natural inducement for me,” he remembers.

The only downside was the Leona live in BC, Canada. Despite the nearly 300 km between them and the challenges that could be present, he was very interested. He sent her an emoticon with a short note in January of 2014.

She responded, and to their delight, there was an instant connection that led to progressively longer exchanges.

They decided to call each other and that led to them Skyping.

“We both recognized how seriously we took our faith and that the intercession of Padre Pio, whom we had both prayed to and had a profound attachment to, was certainly deepening the bond between us,” Leona says.

Mike adds, “Each threshold was approached with great anticipation and a small measure of circumspection, which always cleared spectacularly,” he says.

“It became quite apparent that there was a most providential connection.”

Saying I Love You

Their meeting was delayed until early May 2015 because Mike had recently taken a new position that required extensive travel.

For their first date, they took a long stroll along the Pitt River in Lower Mainland, BC, which because of its natural beauty, peace, and happy memories would become known to them as their “special place.”

Two things would happen that would seal their love. For Mike’s birthday in late May, Leona gave him a rosary that he would treasure. Then, not long after his birthday, she told him that she loved him. “Both gestures left me utterly speechless and positively breathless.”


The approach of summer provided an opportunity for Leona to join Mike during his annual vacation. Time was spent at Mt. Angel, OR enjoying the Bach Festival, the Oregon Coast, the Tillamook Cheese Factory as well as visit to Mike’s hometown of Puyallup, WA.

Their romantic friendship continued to blossom, and family and friends were supportive of their relationship.

“Some were a little surprised, but they have come to see that our connection is very real. All of our friends are very happy for the both of us.”

Special Place Proposal & January Wedding

In late October 2015, they returned to their "special place."

“We strolled and talked and admired the scene, and then Mike recited Elizabeth Barret Browning's 'Sonnet 43' and then asked me for my hand,” she happily remembers.

Mike adds, “Thankfully, Leona said, ‘Yes!’ and then we embraced one another in joy.”

"We believe that Padre Pio played a part in the two of us meeting and ultimately marrying," they say.

On January 2, 2016, they exchanged vows at Leona’s parish, Our Lady of the Assumption, in Port Coquitlam with all of their family members and cherished friends in attendance.

“When Michael said his vows to me, the world stopped; everyone else seemed to be in the distance, and I knew I was in the presence of a love that can only come from Christ.”

Afterwards, they had a luncheon, which was made special because Mike’s eldest son welcomed Leona into the family, and her sons also welcomed Mike into the family—thanking him for caring for their mom.

Mike and Leona are still living apart because they are waiting for the paperwork for her to become an American citizen.

“We are hopeful that this will be only for a short time period and look forward to when we can reside together in the same country.”

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