"I think the biggest hurdle I had to overcome was an addiction to overly dramatic relationships," Irene, 32, shares.
"I believed for a long time that relationships should be dramatic like in the movies."
Wanted: a Catholic guy
The spring of 2010 was a tumultuous time for Irene. "I was in a spiritual desert, lonely, weary, and looking for God. I wasn't sure where to turn, but I knew the Catholic Church was a good place to start."
She also thought CatholicMatch would help change the course of her life because here she had the opportunity to meet men who were spiritually compatible. Irene adamantly claimed that she didn't even want to talk to a guy who wasn't Catholic.
Mom, what do you think?
"Setting up my profile felt a little embarrassing, but I was also feeling hopeful," she says.
Needing a little validation that she was doing the right thing by joining a dating site, Irene asked her mother what she thought about her meeting her potential husband online. She was relieved when her mom responded encouragingly.
Browsing through member profiles, one in particular caught her attention. His name was Ryan and from his profile and pictures, Irene could tell that he was family-oriented and that he enjoyed hiking. She also noticed that he was well-educated, which appealed to her.
"Looking at his profile gave me a feeling of peace," she recalls. "I felt that he was the kind of person who was genuine."
Ryan struck out on his first try
Ryan messaged Irene shortly after he noticed that Irene had viewed his profile. He asked her if she would like to meet up.
Since Irene was already interested in Ryan, her answering him should have been a sure bet, but Irene chose not to respond.
"Although I was excited to hear from him, I felt perhaps I wasn't ready yet," she explains. "I still had a weary heart, and felt like I needed more time."
Irene decided to delete her account.
"But, lo and behold, I did eventually log back into CatholicMatch, and Ryan's profile was still there."
She ended up messaging him asking him if the offer to meet up was still open. Ryan didn't hesitate to say that he still wanted to meet up. Both being from neighboring parts of Colorado, they didn't have a long drive.
But first: sushi
They met within the week at a sushi restaurant. "It was pleasant and relaxing for me," she shares.
Ryan, now 34, thought Irene was beautiful and that how she portrayed herself in the profile was true to life.
"I was amazed by how easily we could talk. I also notice how she was trying to get closer to God, and I wanted to do the same."
They talked until the restaurant closed. Irene was excited about the prospect of seeing Ryan again.
A growing peace and a promise
The couple's relationship progressed naturally. "Ryan's the adventurous type, so we always had fun things to do together," she explains. "One of our favorite dates included hiking and a picnic in at Mt. Falcon near Golden, Colorado."
Irene knew that Ryan was the one because as time went on, the peace she felt with him grew. Their relationship helped her see what mature love looks like and realize that love doesn't grow in the soil of drama.
"I knew God had placed Ryan in my life for a very special reason. He understood me and encouraged me in my faith, my aspirations and my dreams."
Ryan also proved his love by keeping his—their promise—that they would save physical intimacy for their wedding night. "That was a little challenging, but we were committed and succeeded," she shares.
Sparkles of grace around us
Easter of 2011, after dating for about a year, Ryan surprised Irene by proposing on a mountainside blanketed in glittering snow. "I remember the sparkling of the diamond matching the sparkling snow. I knew right away this was God's plan for us."
The couple said their vows on June 16, 2012, at the Cathedral Basilica of The Immaculate Conception in Denver, Colorado. "It was a perfect day with blue skies and the day went off without a hitch. My favorite memory is walking down the aisle. I was a bundle of nerves, and then I saw Ryan waiting for me at the altar. He and I locked eyes and the magic of the moment is something I will never forget."
Ryan adds, "One of my favorites was when we were waiting to go into the reception, and we shared a private moment eating finger foods and basking in the fact that we were now married."
Now: a family of four!
Ryan and Irene have two beautiful little girls. "We praise God for the many blessings and graces in our lives," says the couple.