Her Brother In Law Found His Profile For Her!


It took a sisterly argument and a brotherly intervention to connect Julia, 26, to her future husband.

In December of 2021, she vented to one of her sisters that everyone else seemed to be getting married and starting families, but not her! They were in a small city, and it seemed like she’d already met the entirety of the local single pool, and nobody was a good fit.

Her brother-in-law John jumped in, suggesting Julia join CatholicMatch again.

He and her sister had met there, as had had a third sister and her husband! 

Julia didn’t think the third time (or sister) was the charm. She fired back, saying she’d already tried CatholicMatch for a few years without any luck. Undeterred, John told her to log back in just to check for any new faces since she’d left. He even commandeered the screen and began looking through members himself! He scrolled to a 6’5” fellow Wisconsinite named Zach, and read his profile closely. 

“If you don’t go on a date with him, I’m going to ask him to hang out as friends!” he told Julia, and turned the screen back over to her.

And that’s how Julia connected with her future husband!

“John will forever take credit for our pairing,” Julia laughs. 

Zach, 28, saw Julia had viewed his profile (not knowing it was really John!) and sent her a message. For his part, he’d joined CatholicMatch because his buddy Ryan had met his wife there, as had another married friend. Seeing the domino successes led Zach to think online dating could also work for him. Zach didn’t consider himself the most extroverted person, and much like Julia, found it difficult to meet other singles who shared Catholic values. 

While chatting online for a couple of weeks, they realized why each other looked oddly familiar.

They had both attended St Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin, a few years prior.

“It’s a relatively small school, and Zach is 6”5’, so Zach was hard to miss when walking around campus!” Julia laughs. They arranged a first date at one of Julia’s normal study spots near the St. Norbert campus, called Luna Café. Little did they know this would become an annual anniversary date location for them as a couple! After coffee, they took a walk around their alma mater and swapped stories and memories from their time at school. Keep in mind, this was December in northern Wisconsin! 

“The initial meeting must have been warm to venture out in the cold for that walk!” they remember.

One date quickly led to another...

As their relationship progressed, they found a shared delight in Packer games. Football games and stadium tours became regular outings, and they also played tennis and watched Star Wars.

Both loved their home state of Wisconsin and its variety of activities, as well as spending time with their families and friends.

Of course, when blizzards hit, they often had to think on their feet for dates–sometimes rescheduling, sometimes canceling outdoor plans for indoor ones. They lived forty minutes apart, but Julia commuted from her home in Manitowoc to her job . . . right in Zach’s town. They were able to start having some after-work dinners together on top of weekend dates. 

“There was never a question about being on the same page with our Catholic values,” they recall. Julia was a little more involved in her parish life, being a cantor and regularly partaking in Adoration and Confession. She also volunteered in high school faith formation classes. Zach faithfully attended weekly Mass and listened to some Catholic shows here and there. When Julia suggested they start attending monthly Confession together, Zach was game to jump in. This led him into joining his parish committee and reading theology books in his spare time.

Julia was impressed by Zach’s newfound zeal for Catholicism.

Fast forward one year, and the two went ring shopping together in December of 2022. While they openly discussed engagement and a future marriage, Zach kept the timing of the proposal a surprise.

Come Valentine’s Day that year, they went on a sweet adventure around Manitowoc’s small business sales and specials, including a record store, boutique, and chocolate shop. Then they headed to the famous Maritime Museum housing the U.S.S Cobia submarine. It had been the spot of their third date, chosen because Julia knew Zach loved history–and subsequently where he had asked her to be his official girlfriend the previous year.

It was on the roof there Zach had secretly commissioned her sisters and brothers-in-law to set up flowers, candles, and champagne! (Is John going to take credit for this, too?) He proposed here on the roof deck overlooking the water and downtown, and Julia, of course, said yes.

The two married in May of 2024 and now reside in Manitowoc together.

Julia continues to work for a transportation company headquartered in Green Bay, while Zach is pursuing his Masters’ degree in accounting. The two volunteer as much as they can in their parish, too, specifically in the high school faith formation program. 

“It’s such a rewarding ministry to journey with the teens in catechesis sessions, prayer, and showing up to support them at their sports or special events throughout the week,” they say. 

And, what about John?

Well, he wins the award for best wingman, since he hunted down the CatholicMatch husband for the third sister in a row.

“I didn’t believe we would have the trifecta, but here we are now!” Julia laughs. “I'm still in awe that all three of us sisters met our spouses on the same site, but it's huge that there is a tool for people to meet similarly minded and intentioned people when choosing a spouse.”

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