He Didn't Eat His Broccoli on Their First Date!


The minute Alis read a couple's success story on CatholicMatch, she resolved to do the same.

For years, Alis prayed daily, along with her parents, for God to send her a righteous man. Though she skeptically joined CatholicMatch, she had not found much success with online dating. Then one day, years later, she read an article on CatholicMatch that changed her life. It was a story about a married couple who had met on CatholicMatch. The woman found her husband right after praying a 54-day rosary novena for him. Convicted by their story, Alis began diligently praying the same rosary novena for her future husband. While praying the novena, Alis felt a very deep calling that she should reactivate her CatholicMatch account. “With not much hope and with a lot of doubt, I completed my profile and began navigating the platform.”  

It was on the 27th day of her prayer that a handsome man named Alan from her own country of Honduras messaged her. Alan had spent about a year on the site, but after not meeting any women from his own country, he let his subscription lapse. Deciding to give it one more try, he signed up for a 1-month subscription. After a few days of not finding anyone, he forgot all about it. Weeks later, on his birthday, he remembered that his subscription was about to end. He logged on and was pleasantly surprised to find “a beautiful petite from Honduras" in his search. He messaged Alis immediately. 

From that first message, they never stopped communicating. 

A week later, Alan found himself driving four hours to Tegucigalpa, Honduras to meet Alis in person. While driving, he began to feel sick to his stomach. Unsure whether it was just nerves or if he was actually sick, Alan pressed on. After picking Alis up and receiving her with a beautiful flower arrangement, they went to a casual restaurant for their first date. Alan was embarrassed to tell Alis that he wasn’t feeling well, but had to mention it when they were deciding where to eat. He figured if he ate something light, he might still feel okay enough to enjoy the date. 

Sure enough, they enjoyed a wonderful meal together with even better conversation. But to Alan’s surprise, the funniest and best moment was when he was about to eat the steamed broccoli on his plate, and Alis stopped him. She said to him, “you might want to stay away from the broccoli, because of the farts.” Alan's face turned red immediately, but then soon they both were laughing! “I did not eat the broccoli, it was the only thing left on the plate and she took a picture of it; she still has it.”

When Alis knew Alan was meant for her… 

During the weekend of that first in-person visit, Alis eagerly brought Alan to the children’s catechism session at her parish, which she herself led. When Alis saw Alan praying with the kids and committed to listening and participating in their Catechesis, she felt something in her heart say, “He is the One”.  According to Alis, “this moment marked my life!” 

Their weekend ended with an hour long talk in the car outside Alan’s hotel. They remarked on how wonderful the weekend was, and weighed all the pros and cons of a long-distance relationship. But right there, in that car, they agreed to begin dating. 

Only seeing each other mostly on the weekends and communicating throughout the week on FaceTime, the challenge of dating long-distance only sweetened their bond. Both agree that their communication and trust in one another and in God were strengthened through the distance. One special moment a little while into their dating was when they realized that while single, they had each prayed the exact same Novena to St. Valentine for a future spouse

About five months later, Alan was ready to propose… with the help of cupcakes.

After getting the blessing from Alis’ parents, Alan planned a proposal for right after New Years’—on Alis’ birthday. They were visiting Alis’ parents for the holiday, and so Alan had a little help from her mother. He wanted to write “will you marry me?” on chocolate cupcakes, but since they were visiting Alis’ hometown, he was unfamiliar with any bakeries in the area. Alis’ mother gave Alan the contact of a local woman who bakes homemade cupcakes, and Alan’s best friend called in the order so that they wouldn’t risk spoiling the surprise. After attending Mass and a birthday dinner, they went back to Alis’ parents’ house, and Alan brought out his special dessert. Upon seeing the question in the cupcakes, Alis began crying and laughing—and of course said yes! 

Alis and Alan were joined in marriage on December 14, 2019. Despite the best man getting lost and arriving late to the church, coupled with Alan almost getting lost himself, the day was filled with grace and love from all the family and friends who joined them. Most importantly, it was filled with God’s blessings. Alis and Alan even sang a song together to the Virgin Mary during their wedding! 

Marriage also brings new adventures!

With the honeymoon set for April 2020, everything suddenly went on COVID shut down just months into their marriage; thus, God had other plans. Transitioning from about 16 months of dating and engagement in a long-distance relationship, to practically being together 24/7 in their first year of marriage, was quite the introduction! But for this couple, the joy of having found each other only grew stronger as they got to know each other under these less-than-normal circumstances. 

Despite their first year of marriage looking different than anticipated, Alis and Alan are growing in friendship and love, and even in business together! Alan enjoys baking bread, and when the lockdown started, Alis suggested they begin selling the bread. At first, they could only sell to those in their neighborhood, but as restrictions lightened, they have now expanded to many more customers. This new entrepreneurship has helped them grow and work as a team, which according to Alan, is the best lesson gained from it all. 

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