BIG NEWS! CatholicMatch Speaking at the World Meeting of Families 2015!


I have some exciting news! The CatholicMatch Institute was invited to speak at the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, September 2015!

I will be co-presenting with CatholicMatch CEO and co-founder, Brian Barcaro and CatholicMatch Institute contributor, Danielle Bean!

You're probably wondering, how does CatholicMatch fit in with a meeting about families? Actually, it is a perfect fit.

Actively addressing the particular needs of single Catholics is essential in the Church’s work to build a culture that values the priesthood, religious life, marriage and family life. The CatholicMatch Institute is focused on helping single Catholics better discern dating and marriage. We want to help more single Catholics get married and have families of their own. and the CatholicMatch Institute are strong advocates for future Catholic families!

We'll be presenting on the topic, "Where is This Relationship Going? Dating as Discernment." Whether it is figuring out who Mr. or Mrs. Right is, or what your vocation is (be it the priesthood or religious life), single Catholics can take advantage of this "waiting" period by prayerfully considering God’s plan in their lives. We want to help you navigate the world of relationships and give helpful advice so you can say, "Yes" to God’s will in your lives.

Here is the official announcement from the World Meeting of Families. Registration is open now. I hope you can join us!

World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015

Opens Registration and Announces Keynote Speakers & Content

Baltimore, MD (November 10, 2014) – In remarks offered today at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Fall Assembly, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. announced that registration for the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015, which is being held September 22-25, 2015 in Philadelphia, PA, is now officially open. Individual registrants and families can register for the four day Congress at the Pennsylvania Convention Center and also book hotel rooms for Congress days through the website. Multiple registration and pricing options are available, allowing delegates to select a package that best suits their needs. There is also an option available for registrants to seek out local host families through

The World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 will offer an Adult Congress and a Youth Congress for ages 6-17. There will also be a licensed daycare for children under the age of six. The Adult Congress, for ages 18 and older, will consist of keynote presentations and breakout sessions that address the many ways in which families can strengthen their bonds, especially in the face of the significant challenges facing the family globally in the 21st century. The Youth Congress will provide interactive programs designed for young people to play, listen, serve, build, and embrace the mission of love in a family.

“The World Meeting of Families will deal with a wide range of family issues where our faith is both needed and tested,” said Archbishop Chaput at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Fall General Assembly. “These are matters that affect families not only here in the United States but on a global scale. So we want to focus next year not just on the neuralgic sexual issues that seem to dominate the American media, but on things like the family and poverty, the family and addiction, the family and children with disabilities, the loss of a spouse, the effect of divorce and co-parenting, health and wellness as building blocks to preserving the family, creating real intimacy between husband and wife, the challenges of raising children, the role of grandparents, the parish as a support community for families, and similar themes. And we want to involve the whole community in this celebration, which is why we’ve included Jewish, Mormon, Muslim and Protestant presenters on issues that we all share – regardless of confessional divides.”

In addition to announcing the opening of registration, Archbishop Chaput also spoke about the impressive roster of influential leaders and scholars that the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 will bring together to discuss the critical issues facing the family worldwide. Nearly 100 renowned speakers are expected to present and facilitate conversation among delegates. From Baptist to Jewish to Lutheran, 24 percent of the Congress presenters will represent other faith traditions and 30 percent of presenters are from outside of North America. Leading the program are keynote addresses from Father Robert Barron, founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, Rector of Mundelein Seminary, and host of CATHOLICISM; His Eminence, Seán Patrick Cardinal O'Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Boston; Helen Alvaré, Professor of Law at George Mason University School of Law; Dr. Juan Francisco de la Guardia Brin and Gabriela N. de la Guardia, renowned Panamanian doctors; His Eminence, Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle, Archbishop of Manila; and His Eminence, Robert Cardinal Sarah, President of the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum”, Archbishop Emeritus of Conakry, Guinea. Although a few breakout session speakers are still being confirmed, the majority of speakers and presentations for the Congress has been finalized.

“The 2015 World Meeting of Families will welcome a most remarkable and dynamic group of speakers as we aimed to bring people together in faith and share a common message of love while also giving comfort and encouragement to those who may be struggling,” said Dr. Mary Beth Yount, World Meeting of Families Director of Content and Programming. “When developing the programming and educational sessions, one of our goals was to create a Congress inclusive of people of all ages, all walks of life, all cultures and even other faiths so that every person might leave the conference feeling inspired by new ideas to incorporate into his/her family life. Through the grace of God and the messages shared during the Congress, we hope to reaffirm the importance of the family and strengthen its bonds on a global scale.”

As the world’s largest family gathering, the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 is expected to bring together 10,000-15,000 delegates from more than 150 nations in faith and celebration. The Congress will provide delegates the opportunity to share their thoughts, dialogue and prayers during daily Mass, devotions and breakout sessions. All sessions will focus on the myriad issues facing today’s global families, including financial crises/poverty, blended families, disabilities, addiction, divorce, and interfaith marriage, with speakers from the Pontifical Council for the Family, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Foundation for Family and Futures, National Catholic Partnership on Disability, Catholic Relief Services, among others. Rooted in the 2015 Congress’ theme, “Love is our mission: the family fully alive,” the catechetical content and programming will emphasize the impact of the love and life of families in society.

For more information regarding the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia next September, please visit

An online retail store, featuring t-shirts, hats, pins and other small mementos, is also open.

You can also engage the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia on Facebook (World Meeting of Families 2015) (Encuentro Mundial de las Familias – Filadelfia 2015), Twitter (@WMF2015) (@WMF2015ES) and Instagram (WMF2015).

About World Meetings of Families

Beginning with 1994, The Year of the Family, the Pontifical Council for the Family has been responsible for organizing the World Meetings of Families in Rome (1994); Rio de Janeiro (1997); Rome (2000); Manila (2003); Valencia (2006); Mexico City (2009); Milan (2012); and now, Philadelphia (2015). Since its inception by Saint John Paul II, the World Meeting of Families has sought to strengthen the sacred bonds of family across the globe.

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