Walking By Faith: Luz Sent Charles An Emotigram


Imagine coming from a large family, being filled with a love for the Catholic Church and desire for a family of your own, yet moving into your late 30s and early 40s having not found that special someone to build a life with. That’s the challenge of faith that Charles and Luz faced when they came to CatholicMatch.

Charles, a 41-year-old from south Florida, was active in the Knights of Columbus, along with participating in both the Novus Ordo and Tridentine Masses. He had six other siblings and just wanted a nice and easygoing spouse that he could settle down with.

Luz, 38, a schoolteacher from Peru, also with six siblings was just as active in the Church, including the Christian Life Movement, founded in her country and personally blessed by Blessed John Paul II.

It was early 2011 that this faith-filled couple found each other on CatholicMatch when Luz sent Charles an emotigram, which soon led to messages. From there it went to chats and finally to webcam. The latter tool would be especially helpful—“Because of the ability to communicate by web cam, Charles and I really bring our hearts closer to each other,” Luz said reflectively.

In July 2011 Charles responded to Luz’s promptings to come to Peru. “We spent…time in conversations, prayed with each other, toured Catholic Churches and met her family and friends…," Charles recalled.

He even got to play Jesus in a little performance for her students in catechesis, replete with white bed sheets, makeup and a beard. When Charles returned home to Florida, he promised to be back soon. And he was as good as his word.

Two more visits followed, including one at Christmas. They spent time cooking meals, enjoying good Peruvian cuisine, and shopping together and on this visit, Charles was able to see the Catholic school where his new girlfriend taught. And he continued to meet her friends in the Christian Life Movement.

Charles has returned to Florida, but this relationship moves forward and it seems as though the logical next step isn’t far off. Perhaps Charles’ flight to Peru in July was symbolic of their search for that special someone. There was a flight problem that caused a delay, but when he landed in Peru, “and we exchanged our first hug and kiss it was a beautiful moment to see Luz in person and her beautiful eyes.”  

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