Jorge & Stephanie Lived Less Than Six Minutes From Each Other


After a successful first date, Stephanie gave Jorge her business card. The next day he called the number on her card to ask Stephanie for a second date only to be met with resistance. “I didn't know that if she doesn't answer her phone, it will automatically forward to her office where her assistant answers for her,” explains Jorge, 31, from Colorado.

Since Stephanie is an attorney, clients will often call her demanding to speak only to her, so her assistant screens the

 calls. “When I asked for Stephanie, her assistant asked what she could do for me and if there was a question that I wanted to ask her. I was a little taken aback, and I asked to just talk to Stephanie,” he recalls. “Her assistant persisted, trying to pull out of me what question I wanted to ask Stephanie, and what case I was with. I figured, at that point, that her assistant wasn't going to let me get through to Stephanie, so I blurted out, ‘I'm the guy she went to dinner with.’”

Jorge continues. “Her assistant's attitude changed from "gate-keeper" to "embarrassed assistant," and she was very nice. She told me that Stephanie was working on a case for trial in two days but would make sure she called me back.”

Stephanie, 32, chimes in, “Three minutes later, I called him apologizing. It was a little funny for me in the office after that!”

“I was amused and told her that I understood,” Jorge remembers.


Stephanie, also from Colorado, joined CatholicMatch in May of 2015 on a whim. She felt she was in a place in her life where was ready to settle down.

Jorge had been on CatholicMatch for a few years but had never spent much time actively searching for a mate.

Stephanie's first couple of months on the site were not all that fruitful until the day she saw Jorge’s interview questions pop up on her home page. “I thought his questions were funny and interesting, so I clicked on his profile and saw a beautiful picture of Zion National Park.”

Interested, she answered Jorge’s interview questions, hoping to get to know him a little better, and she also sent him a simple message admiring his picture of Zion National Park.

A week later, Jorge answered Stephanie's question, and so began a month of messaging back and forth through CatholicMatch. It was during this time that they discovered that they attended the same parish but went to different Mass times.

On their first date, they also found out that they lived less than six minutes away from each other. “I was always a little hesitant to give out details about where I lived. When we discovered that we went to the same parish, I thought it was just because Jorge liked that parish, not that it was close to his home.

When we met for our first date downtown, I mentioned that my home was in Westminster, a suburb of Denver. Jorge said, ‘Oh, me as well; I live at the Apartments near Costco.’ I laughed and said, ‘I live in a house near the same Costco.' It was laughable that we both had to drive so far away for our first date. Subsequent dates were much closer to our neighborhood.”

She adds, “It was pretty amazing that we lived so near each other, but it took CatholicMatch to bring us together!”

Auntie finagles ring size

They had been dating each other for six months when Jorge’s aunt inconspicuously tried to get Stephanie’s ring size but failed. “I wear a class ring from my law school on my right hand. When we were at dinner with his aunt, she noticed my ring, and she told me it was very nice,” Stephanie remembers. “She then literally pulled it off of my finger (I thought this was a little odd, but OK I just went with it) and then proceeded to place it on all ten of her fingers. My hands are bigger than hers, so she finally flat out said, ‘What size is this ring?’”

Stephanie thought that Jorge’s aunt’s behavior was a little odd, so that night when his aunt left she asked Jorge, ‘Why does your aunt want to know my ring size?’ He spilled the beans that he was looking for an engagement ring, but he had already figured out my ring size from my mom about three weeks prior!”

Thwarted proposal

On Saturday, March 12th, 2016, Jorge got the ring from the jeweler and hid it in his jacket. He had the perfect plan to propose to Stephanie at Mother Cabrini Shrine, near them in the mountains of Colorado.

“I thwarted his plans, and he was left trying to figure out the right time and place,” she laughs. “At lunch, he asked me if wanted to go to Mother Cabrini Shrine. The Shrine is on the top of a mountain, up 373 stairs, and takes about 20 minutes to climb. I was dressed in three-inch heels and a dress, so I said, "No, I am not going to climb a mountain today!"

He ended up taking her to a Museum and then out for dessert. “I was oblivious to his plans. We ordered dessert, and after a short time, Jorge reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out the ring box and asked me to marry him! I said, ‘Yes!’—without even seeing the ring first!”

They were married on October 1, 2016, in a big wedding that included many traditions. The couple shares, “Our wedding included wedding coins, the lasso rosary, the flowers to the Virgin Mary, and the mariachi band.”

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