Is Today Christmas Adam or Christmas Eve?


Growing up, as a joke, my family always used to call December 23rd "Christmas Adam" as it falls right before "Christmas Eve."

But theologically, it may not be that far from the truth.

What better way to remember Christmas than to think about where it all started—the story of creation? I realized that there are several similarities between the story of Christmas and Adam and Eve in the garden.

I mean, for starters, both involve a centrally-located tree! Our celebration of Jesus's birth usually includes a decorated tree under which we keep presents. Adam and Eve's story revolves around a forbidden tree from which they "gift" us all with original sin.

Walking in a winter wonderland

Secondly, in both stories, God walks on the earth. Well, at the nativity, Jesus wasn't walking yet, but he was present (sleeping or crying) right next to the shepherds and sheep. Likewise, back in the garden in Genesis 3:8, Adam and Eve are physically right next to God. They hear the sound of God walking in the garden at the "breezy time of day."

Imagine hearing the sound of God walking in the garden as you hide from him in shame. That is not a game of hide-and-seek I would have liked to experience!  (In fact, sometimes life now feels like a game of Sardines—reverse hide-and-seek—where we all are desperately trying to find God, who seems to be hiding from us).

Thirdly, in both stories, the protagonists, Adam and Eve, Joseph, Mary and Jesus, respectively, are surrounded by animals. Adam and Eve probably had many animals in a more exotic variety near them, while Jesus had just a sprinkling of more common domestic animals nearby, but animals abounded nonetheless.

The huge difference between the stories, however, is that in one, humankind is banished from the presence of God and the paradise He had prepared. In the other, humankind is saved by the birth of the God-man, who will re-open the gates of paradise.

It's just a tiny difference, I know.

But how different our responses to God can be! Adam and Eve were born without original sin. So was Mary. Yet, their responses to God were radically different. (Joseph, was normal and born with original sin, but he still did God's will—which can give the rest of us hope).

Adam and Eve did not really know why they weren't supposed to eat from the tree, or what would happen if they did. Mary did not know what saying yes to the being the mother of God would entail, as Joseph didn't understand why marrying a pregnant woman was a good idea. And all four responded to God in their states of uncertainty.

How do we respond to God in our lives? Is it with the trustful uncertainty that Mary and Joseph had—I believe that God is good and although I don't understand I will follow? Or the mistrustful uncertainty that Adam and Eve embraced—God might not have my best intentions at heart, so I had better explore all my options.

Who you gonna trust?

And this is similar to all of us. We don't know why God allows things to happen in our lives. Why did she break up with me? Why am I a single mother this Christmas? I'm their father and a better parent, why did she get custody of the kids and not me? Why am I unable to have children? Why did I lose my job? Why in the name of all things red and green am I still single?!

In this moment, this Christmas season, God is speaking to us. He is calling us to live, united to Him, whether we understand our life circumstances or not. He has not forgotten us or passed us over. That is the whole point and hope of the Christmas story. He came to earth to bring us salvation, and until we die, He will give us everything we need if we would just trust him.

Do you trust him? Or are you holding out for something better that the world has to offer? Maybe you want an answer to your "why" question right now, and He isn't giving you one.

Whatever your frustration, whatever you don't understand and wish you did, offer that to the Christ child this Christmas. Introduce the prayer "Jesus, I trust in you" to your daily routine. (Hey, what if our New Year's resolution was to pray "Jesus I trust in you" as often as we curse or complain? What would that do to our lives?)

It is only by trusting Him that we can eventually stop hiding in the bushes of sin and shame and walk proudly next to Him in paradise.

Merry Christmas, everyone.


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