He Drove Through the Night and Across the Border to Meet Her


When Sean, a recent Catholic convert, came across Emily’s profile in June 2021, he had been on CatholicMatch for two months.

“I wanted to look for a serious Catholic woman and was impressed that CatholicMatch allows you to filter based on Faith preferences and beliefs.”

He observed that Emily was traditional but didn’t take herself too seriously. She was very forward with what she wanted in a man. “What really struck me was how she playfully challenged the reader of her profile to win her heart.”

It was a challenge Sean happily accepted.

Joining CatholicMatch, Emily, recalls, “I was at least partly curious. I wanted to see who was out there!”

Bill Motzing Photography

It was her first day on CatholicMatch, when Emily received Sean’s message. After reading his profile, Emily thought, “Woah, I didn’t realize anyone like this existed.”

Being tall herself, Emily was attracted to Sean’s 6’8 height and handsome face. “I appreciated his lightheartedness, sense of humor, and commitment to the Faith.”

Over the next three months, Sean and Emily talked over the phone.

Then they hit a roadblock...

Sean was living in Boston studying for his master's in engineering while Emily lived in Ontario, Canada pursuing a master's in music.

Emily did not want to enter into a relationship with a man she had never met. She wanted to make sure the spark was there and Sean wasn’t creepy in real life. The long-distance between Boston and Ontario was further complicated by Covid travel limitations.

Bill Motzing Photography

In September, determined to overcome the obstacles, Sean proposed making the long drive to spend a weekend in Ontario.

He drove through the night so they could make the most of their limited time together.

At midnight, Sean arrived at the Canadian border and was questioned. The border security called Emily to confirm Sean was not an unwanted guest. Emily was asleep and did not answer her phone. Fortunately, she noticed the missed call a short time later and confirmed Sean was a welcome guest.

Bill Motzing Photography

The next day, they went for coffee, attended Mass, and enjoyed sushi. Walking through the town, they laughed and got to know each other.

“We parted ways after dinner to pray and think about if we wanted to go forward. The next day, we made it official.”

The following day, Sean returned to Boston.  

Bill Motzing Photography

For about a year, Sean and Emily continued their long-distance relationship seeing each other in person for several visits. They talked on the phone and prayed the rosary together daily. Asking God and the saints to bring them closer geographically, they prayed many novenas including a 54-day rosary novena.  

The couple shares that when Sean first met Emily’s big, musical family, he was invited to perform. Since Sean is not musically inclined, he did a comedy routine called “Jokes with Sean” which was a big hit with her family.

In July 2022, they returned to Wolfe Island, Ontario, where they had first met. After praying the rosary, they visited the outdoor shrine of Our Lady. 

Sean got down on one knee and asked Emily to marry him.

Emily recalls, “I said yes in about one second!”

Emily’s priest brother presided over the Rite of Betrothal.

In August 2022, God answered their prayer bringing them to live in the same state.

Sean graduated from college getting a job in Connecticut and Emily was able to move there as well to finish her degree.

They married on June 10, 2023 in a Solemn High Nuptial Mass celebrated by Emily’s brother.

The couple is happily married and now expecting their first child. 

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