Gift Guide: The Godchild You Love Dearly and Need to Pray For More Often
If you’ve been bestowed the honor of being a godparent, you’ve probably also experienced a moment of alarm in realizing you have a whole new set of responsibilities to fulfill. “Surely, I’m not holy enough to be a godparent!” you may have told yourself.
Thankfully, there are only some bare minimums that the Church asks of you: make the Profession of Faith in the child's name and accept the responsibility of instructing the child in the faith, especially if the parents fail in this duty (no pressure, parents).
“But, oh,” says you, “I am certainly doing all of that and want to go above and beyond this Christmas in my duties!”
Excellent! Besides praying often for your godchild, perhaps consider one of these Christmas gifts to make your godchild feel extra-loved this year.
1. The Example of Living Your Own Faith ($0)
If you’ve been coasting along in your spiritual life, consider re-examining your daily prayer habits, your Mass attendance record, or devotionals and offer it all for your godchild. There is no better gift than showing them, by your own example, that Jesus is real and worthy of our time and attention.
2. A Perpetual Mass Enrollment ($0-$100)
Double up the Masses offered for their souls by asking another community (besides your own!) to pray for your godchild. When you enroll your godchild in a perpetual mass offering, you are ensuring that someone is praying for them every single day, even on days when you can’t or forget.
Some examples of communities which offer this beautiful gift include: Mount Angel Abbey of Benedictine monks, the National Shrine in Washington DC, and the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary. (A quick Google search will bring up a lot more!)
3. A Piece of a Nativity Set ($20)
It’s ideal to start this tradition when your godchild is young, but even if they aren’t, this is an excellent tangible gift to send to your godchild.
Each year, you simple mail them one piece of a nativity set. By the time they are an adult, ready to move out and start their own traditions, they’ll have a complete, beautiful nativity set for their own home.
You can either buy an entire set, keep it somewhere safe, and mail one piece each year; or, choose a well-known artisan unlikely to be stop making nativity sets soon and select a piece each year. Start with Baby Jesus!
Some popular nativity sets can be found here, here, or here.
4. A Charm or Pearl ($40)
Similar to the “a piece a year” nativity set gift, you could choose a charm to send each year to add to a charm bracelet or a pearl to add to a string of pearls. These charms are nice and here’s an example of an “add-a-pearl” necklace.
5. A Blessed Rosary or Crucifix ($30)
No one owns too many rosaries or crucifixes—truly, it’s impossible. Consider finding a special one dedicated to the godchild’s confirmation saint or their own named saint.
Or, the next time you visit a holy site (be it your parish “store” or a European shrine) be on the lookout for a beautiful or unique religious item for your godchild. Every time they look at it or use it, they will think of you and your prayers for them.
Some ideas to get you started: chewable rosaries for babies, custom rosaries (with slidable beads!), and carved crucifixes from Bethlehem.
6. A Letter Reminding Them You are Praying for Them (Free!)
In a time crunch? Just not sure? A heartfelt letter reminding them that you are praying for them might be just what they need in this season of their lives. Even if they are babies or children, ask their parents to keep the letter somewhere safe for when they are older. Later, they can read about how you’ve been praying for them all their lives.
Need some inspiration? These are clever.
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