Famous Sanguines
Saint Peter (Sanguine-Choleric)
St. Peter was a lovable sanguine. At the Transfiguration he enthusiastically offers, “Let us set up three tents!” Even though, as Scripture also notes, “he did not know what he was saying” (Luke 9:33). He impetuously jumps out of the boat to walk on the water, but then looks down at the water and, afraid, begins to sink. He falls asleep in the Garden of Olives and then impulsively cuts off the Roman’s ear. Peter tells Christ that he will never let him suffer and die; Jesus says, “Get behind me, Satan.” (Mark 8:27-33) Just before the Passion, Peter stoutly promises, “I will never betray you, Lord!” A few short hours later, when questioned, he denies knowing Jesus.
Saint Peter was also the one to whom the vision was given to spread the Faith among the Gentiles and who brought the first Gentile into the Church. He was also the one to first work a miracle after Pentecost. His openness and generosity and love for people may have contributed to these “firsts.”
Saint Francis de Sales
St. Francis de Sales was, most likely, sanguine. He was, from the time of his youth, witty, docile, obedient, a lively speaker with “animated gesture” and appealing voice--yet also with a hasty and passionate temper. While studying theology and practicing mental prayer, he still went to parties and got into swordfights! One of his biggest concerns about becoming a priest was that he would have to cut his beautiful curly blonde hair! “He was very beautiful, and the sweetness of his countenance won the affections of all who saw him…He was indeed naturally of a hasty and passionate temper, as he himself confesses; and we find in his writings a certain fire and impetuosity which renders it unquestionable. On this account from his youth he made meekness his favorite virtue, and by studying in the school of a God who was meek and humble of heart, he learned that important lesson to such perfection, as to convert his predominant passion into his characteristical virtue.” (from Catholic Information Network)
St.Philip Neri
“Philip was by all accounts a handsome boy with attractive manners and a gay spirit, but sensitive—the kind that quickly wins affection from others. It is a testimony to both this quality and to his good behavior that he acquired among the citizens of Florence the name of ‘Pippo Buono.’ (Fr. V.J. Matthews, St. Philip Neri, p 2.) And “ ‘He was so affectionate that he drew all the world after him in the most wonderful way imaginable.’ “ (Matthews, p. 69) “It was not only that no one ever saw Philip depressed or gloomy himself; he could not bear to see anyone else sad. ‘I will have no melancholy, no low spirits in my house,’ he used to say."
Famous Sanguines
Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Magic Johnson, Franklin Roosevelt, Tigger
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