Ademola Elliotte

Ademola Elliotte is a cradle Catholic and a military brat; born the second daughter of St. Lucian parents, Nicholas and Francesca. She was born in Ft. Campbell, KY, raised in Germany and transplanted to Texas in 1993. A UTSA graduate, she obtained a B.A. degree in Spanish, commissioned in the USAF as an officer and was stationed at Laughlin Air Force Base, TX in May 2003. In 2007 she completed her M.A. degree in Management from the University of Phoenix. After over 9.5 years of service in the Air Force, Ademola entered the civilian workforce and subsequently found her calling in young adult ministry. She is a core team member of the Young Adult Initiative, a pastoral priority of the Archbishop, to help young adults rise in leadership and be more active in the Archdiocese. Ademola works in the Pastoral Ministries Department in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. Her passion involves enriching women’s lives via her Mary Kay business of 16 years. Her hobbies include reading, dancing, traveling, learning other languages and experiencing other cultures.
Ademola Elliotte