Newlyweds Celebrate The Love They Found Online (Video)


A lot has happened since we first published the success story of Paul and Regina Bailey, the gorgeous Midwest gal who met a dashing firefighter on CatholicMatch. The couple wed on April 30, 2011, at her home parish, St. John of the Cross Catholic Church, in Western Springs, Ill.

The Gospel reading at their wedding Mass was John 15:1-5; 9-16, inspired by their first date. Here's the story:

Paul flew from Napa to Houston to meet Regina face-to-face for the first time in May of 2009. They went to Sunday Mass together that weekend, and the Gospel reading was John 15 – "Love one another as I have loved you." The priest ended his homily with the words, "I ask you this: Look around you right now and ask yourself, 'Who is God calling me to love today?'"

It was such a powerful moment that stuck with them, and they wanted to share it with the congregation on their wedding day.



Here's a photo from the night Paul proposed, which Regina detailed in their original success story.


During their engagement, Paul and Regina took a natural family planning class taught by the Couple to Couple League. Now that they're married practicing NFP, Paul said they're reaping many graces.

"One of the most beautiful examples of marital collaboration we have experienced is the use of NFP. It requires both of us to be involved in understanding, interpreting, and practicing NFP, which means we’re sharing responsibility for a fundamental, unifying pillar of our married life."

Paul and Regina honeymooned in Bali. What a dream! (And Regina loves to cook, so she was thrilled to squeeze in a cooking class.)





Regina, 26, a recruitment manager for Teach For America, now lives with Paul, 30, a firefighter, in St. Helena, Calif. It's a long way from home for a girl who's super close to her big family, but they chat several times a week and occasionally use Skype.

Together, they're saving money to buy a house and preparing for parenthood, hoping to have at least three kids, citing Blessed John Paul II's assertion in Love and Responsibility that having at least three children fulfills the creation of the family community.

Aren't they adorable?

Hold on to hope, CatholicMatch members. This kind of love awaits!

Paul and Regina jumped at the chance to participate in our first-ever CatholicMatch promotional video. They couldn't have been more perfect: eloquent, gracious and attractive enough to be models! My heart melted when I heard Paul describe their first meeting, saying he couldn't believe how beautiful she is. With no further ado, check it out:

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